CDE Detailed Report

Disease: Spinal Cord Injury
Subdomain Name: Epidemiology/Environmental History
CRF: Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ)

Displaying 101 - 150 of 239
CDE ID CDE Name Variable Name Definition Short Description Question Text Permissible Values Description Data Type Disease Specific Instructions Disease Specific Reference Population Classification (e.g., Core) Version Number Version Date CRF Name (CRF Module / Guidance) Subdomain Name Domain Name Size Input Restrictions Min Value Max Value Measurement Type External Id Loinc External Id Snomed External Id caDSR External Id CDISC
C09667 Food Frequency Questionnaire - (FFQ)-vitamin D duration FFQVitDDur How long have you taken Vitamin D, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) How long have you taken Vitamin D, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) How long? 0-1 year;2-4 years;5-9 years;10 years or more 0-1 year;2-4 years;5-9 years;10 years or more Alphanumeric

No instructions available

W.C. Willett, Nutritional Epidemiology, Oxford University Press Validation of a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire: comparison with a 1-year diet record.Willett WC, Reynolds RD, Cottrell-Hoehner S, Sampson L, Browne ML.J Am Diet Assoc. 1987 Jan;87(1):43-7. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Food-based validation of a dietary questionnaire: the effects of week-to-week variation in food consumption. Salvini S, Hunter DJ, Sampson L, Stampfer MJ, Colditz GA, Rosner B, Willett WC. Int J Epidemiol. 1989 Dec;18(4):858-67. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Adult Exploratory 3.00 2013-07-22 09:34:41.527 Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) Epidemiology/Environmental History Participant History and Family History

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C09824 Food Frequency Questionnaire - (FFQ)-peanut butter indicator FFQPeanutButtInd Average total amount of peanut butter the subject had over this past year, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) Average total amount of peanut butter the subject had over this past year, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) Peanut butter (1 tbs.) Never;Less than once per month;1-3 tbs. per month;Once per week;2-4 tbs. per week;5-6 tbs. per week;1 tbs. per day;2-3 tbs. per day;4 or more tbs. per day Never;Less than once per month;1-3 tbs. per month;Once per week;2-4 tbs. per week;5-6 tbs. per week;1 tbs. per day;2-3 tbs. per day;4 or more tbs. per day Alphanumeric

Please fill in your average total use, during the past year, of each specified food.

W.C. Willett, Nutritional Epidemiology, Oxford University Press Validation of a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire: comparison with a 1-year diet record.Willett WC, Reynolds RD, Cottrell-Hoehner S, Sampson L, Browne ML.J Am Diet Assoc. 1987 Jan;87(1):43-7. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Food-based validation of a dietary questionnaire: the effects of week-to-week variation in food consumption. Salvini S, Hunter DJ, Sampson L, Stampfer MJ, Colditz GA, Rosner B, Willett WC. Int J Epidemiol. 1989 Dec;18(4):858-67. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Adult Exploratory 3.00 2013-07-22 09:34:41.527 Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) Epidemiology/Environmental History Participant History and Family History

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C09763 Food Frequency Questionnaire - (FFQ)-bacon indicator FFQBacnInd Average total amount of bacon the subject had this past year, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) Average total amount of bacon the subject had this past year, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) Bacon (2 slices) Never;Less than once per month;Once per week;2-4 times per week;5-6 times per week;1 or more servings per day;1-3x/mo Never;Less than once per month;Once per week;2-4 times per week;5-6 times per week;1 or more servings per day;1-3x/mo (1-3 times per month) Alphanumeric

Please fill in your average total use, during the past year, of each specified food.

W.C. Willett, Nutritional Epidemiology, Oxford University Press Validation of a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire: comparison with a 1-year diet record.Willett WC, Reynolds RD, Cottrell-Hoehner S, Sampson L, Browne ML.J Am Diet Assoc. 1987 Jan;87(1):43-7. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Food-based validation of a dietary questionnaire: the effects of week-to-week variation in food consumption. Salvini S, Hunter DJ, Sampson L, Stampfer MJ, Colditz GA, Rosner B, Willett WC. Int J Epidemiol. 1989 Dec;18(4):858-67. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Adult Exploratory 3.00 2013-07-22 09:34:41.527 Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) Epidemiology/Environmental History Participant History and Family History

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C09699 Food Frequency Questionnaire - (FFQ)-regular ice cream indicator FFQRegIceCrmInd Average total amount of regular ice cream the subject had this past year, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) Average total amount of regular ice cream the subject had this past year, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) Regular ice cream (1 cup) Never;Less than once per month;1-3x/mo;Once per week;2-4 times per week;5-6 times per week;Once per day;2 or more servings per day Never;Less than once per month;1-3x/mo (1-3 times per month);Once per week;2-4 times per week;5-6 times per week;Once per day;2 or more servings per day Alphanumeric

For each food listed, indicate your average total use of the amount specified during the past year

W.C. Willett, Nutritional Epidemiology, Oxford University Press Validation of a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire: comparison with a 1-year diet record.Willett WC, Reynolds RD, Cottrell-Hoehner S, Sampson L, Browne ML.J Am Diet Assoc. 1987 Jan;87(1):43-7. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Food-based validation of a dietary questionnaire: the effects of week-to-week variation in food consumption. Salvini S, Hunter DJ, Sampson L, Stampfer MJ, Colditz GA, Rosner B, Willett WC. Int J Epidemiol. 1989 Dec;18(4):858-67. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Adult Exploratory 3.00 2013-07-22 09:34:41.527 Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) Epidemiology/Environmental History Participant History and Family History

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C09856 Food Frequency Questionnaire - (FFQ)-low fat fat free mayonnaise indicator FFQLowFatFatFreeMayoInd Average total amount of low fat or fat free mayonnaise the subject had this past year, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) Average total amount of low fat or fat free mayonnaise the subject had this past year, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) Low fat or fat free mayonnaise (1 tbs.) Never;Less than once per month;1-3 tbs. per month;1 tbs. per month;1 tbs. per week;2-4 tbs. per week;5-6 tbs. per week;1 tbs. per day;2 or more tbs. per day Never;Less than once per month;1-3 tbs. per month;1 tbs. per month;1 tbs. per week;2-4 tbs. per week;5-6 tbs. per week;1 tbs. per day;2 or more tbs. per day Alphanumeric

Please fill in your average total use, during the past year, of each specified food.

W.C. Willett, Nutritional Epidemiology, Oxford University Press Validation of a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire: comparison with a 1-year diet record.Willett WC, Reynolds RD, Cottrell-Hoehner S, Sampson L, Browne ML.J Am Diet Assoc. 1987 Jan;87(1):43-7. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Food-based validation of a dietary questionnaire: the effects of week-to-week variation in food consumption. Salvini S, Hunter DJ, Sampson L, Stampfer MJ, Colditz GA, Rosner B, Willett WC. Int J Epidemiol. 1989 Dec;18(4):858-67. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Adult Exploratory 3.00 2013-07-22 09:34:41.527 Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) Epidemiology/Environmental History Participant History and Family History

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C09795 Food Frequency Questionnaire - (FFQ)-tortillas indicator FFQTortInd Average total amount of tortillas the subject ate this past year, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) Average total amount of tortillas the subject ate this past year, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) Tortillas (2) Never;Less than once per month;1-3 per month;1 per week;2-4 per week;5-6 per week;1 per day;2-3 per day;4 or more per day Never;Less than once per month;1-3 per month;1 per week;2-4 per week;5-6 per week;1 per day;2-3 per day;4 or more per day Alphanumeric

Please fill in your average total use, during the past year, of each specified food.

W.C. Willett, Nutritional Epidemiology, Oxford University Press Validation of a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire: comparison with a 1-year diet record.Willett WC, Reynolds RD, Cottrell-Hoehner S, Sampson L, Browne ML.J Am Diet Assoc. 1987 Jan;87(1):43-7. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Food-based validation of a dietary questionnaire: the effects of week-to-week variation in food consumption. Salvini S, Hunter DJ, Sampson L, Stampfer MJ, Colditz GA, Rosner B, Willett WC. Int J Epidemiol. 1989 Dec;18(4):858-67. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Adult Exploratory 3.00 2013-07-22 09:34:41.527 Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) Epidemiology/Environmental History Participant History and Family History

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C09867 Food Frequency Questionnaire - (FFQ)-foods eaten once week indicator FFQFdsEatnOncWkInd Other foods not previously mentioned the subject eats at least once per week, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) Other foods not previously mentioned the subject eats at least once per week, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) Are there other foods not mentioned above that you usually eat at least once per week? Alphanumeric

Include for example: mushrooms, radish, horseradish, dates, figs, rhubarb, mango, mixed dried fruit, papaya, custard, venison, hot peppers, pickles, olives, Slim Fast, Ensure (regular or plus), Glucerna shake 'Do not include dry spices and do not list something that has been listed in the previous sections If None, skip to FFQ Q17

W.C. Willett, Nutritional Epidemiology, Oxford University Press Validation of a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire: comparison with a 1-year diet record.Willett WC, Reynolds RD, Cottrell-Hoehner S, Sampson L, Browne ML.J Am Diet Assoc. 1987 Jan;87(1):43-7. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Food-based validation of a dietary questionnaire: the effects of week-to-week variation in food consumption. Salvini S, Hunter DJ, Sampson L, Stampfer MJ, Colditz GA, Rosner B, Willett WC. Int J Epidemiol. 1989 Dec;18(4):858-67. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Adult Exploratory 3.00 2013-07-22 09:34:41.527 Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) Epidemiology/Environmental History Participant History and Family History 255

Free-Form Entry

C09806 Food Frequency Questionnaire - (FFQ)-other carbonated beverage sugar indicator FFQOthCarbntdBevSugInd Average total amount of other carbonated beverage with sugar the subject drank this past year, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) Average total amount of other carbonated beverage with sugar the subject drank this past year, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) Other carbonated beverage with sugar, e.g., 7-Up, Root Beer, Ginger Ale (1 glass, bottle or can) Never;Less than once per month;1-3 cans per month;1 can per week;2-4 cans per week;5-6 cans per week;1 can per day;2-3 cans per day;4 or more cans per day Never;Less than once per month;1-3 cans per month;1 can per week;2-4 cans per week;5-6 cans per week;1 can per day;2-3 cans per day;4 or more cans per day Alphanumeric

Please fill in your average total use, during the past year, of each specified food. 'Consider the serving size as one 12 oz. glass, bottle or can for these carbonated beverages.

W.C. Willett, Nutritional Epidemiology, Oxford University Press Validation of a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire: comparison with a 1-year diet record.Willett WC, Reynolds RD, Cottrell-Hoehner S, Sampson L, Browne ML.J Am Diet Assoc. 1987 Jan;87(1):43-7. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Food-based validation of a dietary questionnaire: the effects of week-to-week variation in food consumption. Salvini S, Hunter DJ, Sampson L, Stampfer MJ, Colditz GA, Rosner B, Willett WC. Int J Epidemiol. 1989 Dec;18(4):858-67. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Adult Exploratory 3.00 2013-07-22 09:34:41.527 Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) Epidemiology/Environmental History Participant History and Family History

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C09742 Food Frequency Questionnaire - (FFQ)-raw carrots indicator FFQRawCarrInd Average total amount of raw carrots the subject had over this past year, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) Average total amount of raw carrots the subject had over this past year, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) Carrots, raw (1/2 carrot or 2-4 sticks) Never;Less than once per month;1-3x/mo;Once per week;2-4 times per week;5-6 times per week;Once per day;2 or more servings per day Never;Less than once per month;1-3x/mo (1-3 times per month);Once per week;2-4 times per week;5-6 times per week;Once per day;2 or more servings per day Alphanumeric

Please fill in your average total use, during the past year, of each specified food.

W.C. Willett, Nutritional Epidemiology, Oxford University Press Validation of a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire: comparison with a 1-year diet record.Willett WC, Reynolds RD, Cottrell-Hoehner S, Sampson L, Browne ML.J Am Diet Assoc. 1987 Jan;87(1):43-7. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Food-based validation of a dietary questionnaire: the effects of week-to-week variation in food consumption. Salvini S, Hunter DJ, Sampson L, Stampfer MJ, Colditz GA, Rosner B, Willett WC. Int J Epidemiol. 1989 Dec;18(4):858-67. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Adult Exploratory 3.00 2013-07-22 09:34:41.527 Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) Epidemiology/Environmental History Participant History and Family History

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C09678 Food Frequency Questionnaire - (FFQ)-zinc indicator FFQZnInd Zinc indicator, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) Zinc indicator, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) Not counting multi-vitamins, do you currently take Zinc? No;Yes, currently take it No;Yes, currently take it Alphanumeric

Do not report content of multi-vitamins mentioned in Q1. If no, skip to FFQ Q2-10

W.C. Willett, Nutritional Epidemiology, Oxford University Press Validation of a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire: comparison with a 1-year diet record.Willett WC, Reynolds RD, Cottrell-Hoehner S, Sampson L, Browne ML.J Am Diet Assoc. 1987 Jan;87(1):43-7. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Food-based validation of a dietary questionnaire: the effects of week-to-week variation in food consumption. Salvini S, Hunter DJ, Sampson L, Stampfer MJ, Colditz GA, Rosner B, Willett WC. Int J Epidemiol. 1989 Dec;18(4):858-67. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Adult Exploratory 3.00 2013-07-22 09:34:41.527 Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) Epidemiology/Environmental History Participant History and Family History

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C09835 Food Frequency Questionnaire - (FFQ)-homemade pie indicator FFQHmemdPieInd Average total amount of homemade pie the subject ate this past year, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) Average total amount of homemade pie the subject ate this past year, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) Pie, homemade (slice) Never;Less than once per month;1-3 slices per month;1 slice per week;2-4 slices per week;5-6 slices per week;1 or more slices per day Never;Less than once per month;1-3 slices per month;1 slice per week;2-4 slices per week;5-6 slices per week;1 or more slices per day Alphanumeric

Please fill in your average total use, during the past year, of each specified food.

W.C. Willett, Nutritional Epidemiology, Oxford University Press Validation of a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire: comparison with a 1-year diet record.Willett WC, Reynolds RD, Cottrell-Hoehner S, Sampson L, Browne ML.J Am Diet Assoc. 1987 Jan;87(1):43-7. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Food-based validation of a dietary questionnaire: the effects of week-to-week variation in food consumption. Salvini S, Hunter DJ, Sampson L, Stampfer MJ, Colditz GA, Rosner B, Willett WC. Int J Epidemiol. 1989 Dec;18(4):858-67. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Adult Exploratory 3.00 2013-07-22 09:34:41.527 Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) Epidemiology/Environmental History Participant History and Family History

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C09774 Food Frequency Questionnaire - (FFQ)-pork main dish indicator FFQPrkManDisInd Average total amount of pork a main dish the subject had this past year, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) Average total amount of pork a a main dish the subject had this past year, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) Pork as a main dish, e.g., ham or chops (4-6 oz.) Never;Less than once per month;1-3x/mo;Once per week;2-4 times per week;5-6 times per week;1 or more times per day Never;Less than once per month;1-3x/mo (1-3 times per month);Once per week;2-4 times per week;5-6 times per week;1 or more times per day Alphanumeric

Please fill in your average total use, during the past year, of each specified food.

W.C. Willett, Nutritional Epidemiology, Oxford University Press Validation of a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire: comparison with a 1-year diet record.Willett WC, Reynolds RD, Cottrell-Hoehner S, Sampson L, Browne ML.J Am Diet Assoc. 1987 Jan;87(1):43-7. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Food-based validation of a dietary questionnaire: the effects of week-to-week variation in food consumption. Salvini S, Hunter DJ, Sampson L, Stampfer MJ, Colditz GA, Rosner B, Willett WC. Int J Epidemiol. 1989 Dec;18(4):858-67. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Adult Exploratory 3.00 2013-07-22 09:34:41.527 Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) Epidemiology/Environmental History Participant History and Family History

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C09710 Food Frequency Questionnaire - (FFQ)-margarine spreadable butter indicator FFQMarSprButInt Form of margarine or spreadable butter the subject usually uses, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) Form of margarine or spreadable butter the subject usually uses, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) What form of margarine or spreadable butter do you usually use? None;Stick;Tub;Spray;Squeeze None;Stick;Tub;Spray;Squeeze Alphanumeric

Exclude pure butter

W.C. Willett, Nutritional Epidemiology, Oxford University Press Validation of a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire: comparison with a 1-year diet record.Willett WC, Reynolds RD, Cottrell-Hoehner S, Sampson L, Browne ML.J Am Diet Assoc. 1987 Jan;87(1):43-7. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Food-based validation of a dietary questionnaire: the effects of week-to-week variation in food consumption. Salvini S, Hunter DJ, Sampson L, Stampfer MJ, Colditz GA, Rosner B, Willett WC. Int J Epidemiol. 1989 Dec;18(4):858-67. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Adult Exploratory 3.00 2013-07-22 09:34:41.527 Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) Epidemiology/Environmental History Participant History and Family History

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C09721 Food Frequency Questionnaire - (FFQ)-apple juice indicator FFQApplJucInd Average total amount of apple juice or cider the subject has had this past year, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) Average total amount of apple juice or cider the subject has had this past year, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) Apple juice or cider (small glass) Never;Less than once per month;1-3 glasses per month;One glass per week;2-4 glasses per week;5-6 glasses per week;1 glass per day;2 or more glasses per day Never;Less than once per month;1-3 glasses per month;One glass per week;2-4 glasses per week;5-6 glasses per week;1 glass per day;2 or more glasses per day Alphanumeric

Please fill in your average total use, during the past year, of each specified food. 'Please try to average your seasonal use of foods over the entire year. For example, if a food such as cantaloupe is eaten 4 times a week during the 3 months that it is in season, then average total use would be once per week over the year

W.C. Willett, Nutritional Epidemiology, Oxford University Press Validation of a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire: comparison with a 1-year diet record.Willett WC, Reynolds RD, Cottrell-Hoehner S, Sampson L, Browne ML.J Am Diet Assoc. 1987 Jan;87(1):43-7. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Food-based validation of a dietary questionnaire: the effects of week-to-week variation in food consumption. Salvini S, Hunter DJ, Sampson L, Stampfer MJ, Colditz GA, Rosner B, Willett WC. Int J Epidemiol. 1989 Dec;18(4):858-67. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Adult Exploratory 3.00 2013-07-22 09:34:41.527 Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) Epidemiology/Environmental History Participant History and Family History

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C09878 Food Frequency Questionnaire - (FFQ)-fish use ten years indicator FFQFshUseTenYrInd Indicator of how the subject's use of fish changed over the past ten years, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) Indicator of how the subject's use of fish changed over the past ten years, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) How has your use of fish changed over the past ten years? Use has decreased;Use about the same;Use has increased Use has decreased;Use about the same;Use has increased Alphanumeric

No instructions available

W.C. Willett, Nutritional Epidemiology, Oxford University Press Validation of a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire: comparison with a 1-year diet record.Willett WC, Reynolds RD, Cottrell-Hoehner S, Sampson L, Browne ML.J Am Diet Assoc. 1987 Jan;87(1):43-7. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Food-based validation of a dietary questionnaire: the effects of week-to-week variation in food consumption. Salvini S, Hunter DJ, Sampson L, Stampfer MJ, Colditz GA, Rosner B, Willett WC. Int J Epidemiol. 1989 Dec;18(4):858-67. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Adult Exploratory 3.00 2013-07-22 09:34:41.527 Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) Epidemiology/Environmental History Participant History and Family History

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C09657 Food Frequency Questionnaire - (FFQ)-beta carotene daily dose FFQBetCarDlyDose Dose per day of beta carotene, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) Dose per day of beta carotene, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) Dose per day? Less than 10,000 IU;10,000 to 15,000 IU;16,000 to 22,000 IU;23,000 IU or more;Don't know Less than 10,000 IU;10,000 to 15,000 IU;16,000 to 22,000 IU;23,000 IU or more;Don't know Alphanumeric

Only answered if "Yes, seasonal" and "Yes, currently take it most months" is answered for "Beta Carotene"

W.C. Willett, Nutritional Epidemiology, Oxford University Press Validation of a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire: comparison with a 1-year diet record.Willett WC, Reynolds RD, Cottrell-Hoehner S, Sampson L, Browne ML.J Am Diet Assoc. 1987 Jan;87(1):43-7. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Food-based validation of a dietary questionnaire: the effects of week-to-week variation in food consumption. Salvini S, Hunter DJ, Sampson L, Stampfer MJ, Colditz GA, Rosner B, Willett WC. Int J Epidemiol. 1989 Dec;18(4):858-67. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Adult Exploratory 3.00 2013-07-22 09:34:41.527 Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) Epidemiology/Environmental History Participant History and Family History

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C09814 Food Frequency Questionnaire - (FFQ)-herbal tea decaffeinated tea indicator FFQHerblTeaDecaffTeaInd Average total amount of herbal tea or decaffeinated tea the subject drank this past year, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) Average total amount of herbal tea or decaffeinated tea the subject drank this past year, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) Herbal tea or decaffeinated tea (8 oz. cup) Never;Less than once per month;1-3 cups per month;1 cup per week;2-4 cups per week;5-6 cups per week;1 cup per day;2-3 cups per day;4-5 cups per day;6+ cups per day Never;Less than once per month;1-3 cups per month;1 cup per week;2-4 cups per week;5-6 cups per week;1 cup per day;2-3 cups per day;4-5 cups per day;6+ cups per day Alphanumeric

Please fill in your average total use, during the past year, of each specified food.

W.C. Willett, Nutritional Epidemiology, Oxford University Press Validation of a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire: comparison with a 1-year diet record.Willett WC, Reynolds RD, Cottrell-Hoehner S, Sampson L, Browne ML.J Am Diet Assoc. 1987 Jan;87(1):43-7. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Food-based validation of a dietary questionnaire: the effects of week-to-week variation in food consumption. Salvini S, Hunter DJ, Sampson L, Stampfer MJ, Colditz GA, Rosner B, Willett WC. Int J Epidemiol. 1989 Dec;18(4):858-67. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Adult Exploratory 3.00 2013-07-22 09:34:41.527 Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) Epidemiology/Environmental History Participant History and Family History

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C09753 Food Frequency Questionnaire - (FFQ)-kale mustard chard greens indicator FFQKalMustrdChrdGreeInd Average total amount of kale, mustard. Or chard greens the subject had over this past year, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) Average total amount of kale, mustard. Or chard greens the subject had over this past year, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) Kale, mustard, or chard greens (1/2 cup) Never;Less than once per month;1-3x/mo;Once per week;2-4 times per week;5-6 times per week;1 or more servings per day Never;Less than once per month;1-3x/mo (1-3 times per month);Once per week;2-4 times per week;5-6 times per week;1 or more servings per day Alphanumeric

Please fill in your average total use, during the past year, of each specified food.

W.C. Willett, Nutritional Epidemiology, Oxford University Press Validation of a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire: comparison with a 1-year diet record.Willett WC, Reynolds RD, Cottrell-Hoehner S, Sampson L, Browne ML.J Am Diet Assoc. 1987 Jan;87(1):43-7. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Food-based validation of a dietary questionnaire: the effects of week-to-week variation in food consumption. Salvini S, Hunter DJ, Sampson L, Stampfer MJ, Colditz GA, Rosner B, Willett WC. Int J Epidemiol. 1989 Dec;18(4):858-67. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Adult Exploratory 3.00 2013-07-22 09:34:41.527 Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) Epidemiology/Environmental History Participant History and Family History

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C09689 Food Frequency Questionnaire - (FFQ)-potassium duration FFQPotDur Duration potassium has been taken, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) Duration potassium has been taken, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) How long? 0-1 year;2-4 years;5-9 years;10 years or more 0-1 year;2-4 years;5-9 years;10 years or more Alphanumeric

No instructions available

W.C. Willett, Nutritional Epidemiology, Oxford University Press Validation of a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire: comparison with a 1-year diet record.Willett WC, Reynolds RD, Cottrell-Hoehner S, Sampson L, Browne ML.J Am Diet Assoc. 1987 Jan;87(1):43-7. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Food-based validation of a dietary questionnaire: the effects of week-to-week variation in food consumption. Salvini S, Hunter DJ, Sampson L, Stampfer MJ, Colditz GA, Rosner B, Willett WC. Int J Epidemiol. 1989 Dec;18(4):858-67. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Adult Exploratory 3.00 2013-07-22 09:34:41.527 Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) Epidemiology/Environmental History Participant History and Family History

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C09846 Food Frequency Questionnaire - (FFQ)-oat bran added food indicator FFQOatBranAddFdInd Average total amount of oat bran, added to food the subject ate this past year, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) Average total amount of oat bran, added to food the subject ate this past year, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) Oat bran, added to food (1 tbs.) Never;Less than once per month;1-3 tbs per month;1 tbs per week;2-4 tbs per week;5-6 tbs per week;1 tbs per day;2 or more servings per day Never;Less than once per month;1-3 tbs per month;1 tbs per week;2-4 tbs per week;5-6 tbs per week;1 tbs per day;2 or more servings per day Alphanumeric

Please fill in your average total use, during the past year, of each specified food.

W.C. Willett, Nutritional Epidemiology, Oxford University Press Validation of a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire: comparison with a 1-year diet record.Willett WC, Reynolds RD, Cottrell-Hoehner S, Sampson L, Browne ML.J Am Diet Assoc. 1987 Jan;87(1):43-7. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Food-based validation of a dietary questionnaire: the effects of week-to-week variation in food consumption. Salvini S, Hunter DJ, Sampson L, Stampfer MJ, Colditz GA, Rosner B, Willett WC. Int J Epidemiol. 1989 Dec;18(4):858-67. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Adult Exploratory 3.00 2013-07-22 09:34:41.527 Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) Epidemiology/Environmental History Participant History and Family History

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C09785 Food Frequency Questionnaire - (FFQ)-other cooked breakfast cereal indicator FFQOthCookdBrkfstCerllnd Average total amount of other cooked breakfast cereal the subject had over this past year, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) Average total amount of other cooked breakfast cereal the subject had over this past year, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) Other cooked breakfast cereal (1 cup) Never;Less than once per month;1 cup per week;2-4 cups per week;5-6 cups per week;1 cup per day;4 or more cups per day;1-3 cups per month;2-3 cups per day Never;Less than once per month;1 cup per week;2-4 cups per week;5-6 cups per week;1 cup per day;4 or more cups per day;1-3 cups per month;2-3 cups per day Alphanumeric

Please fill in your average total use, during the past year, of each specified food.

W.C. Willett, Nutritional Epidemiology, Oxford University Press Validation of a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire: comparison with a 1-year diet record.Willett WC, Reynolds RD, Cottrell-Hoehner S, Sampson L, Browne ML.J Am Diet Assoc. 1987 Jan;87(1):43-7. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Food-based validation of a dietary questionnaire: the effects of week-to-week variation in food consumption. Salvini S, Hunter DJ, Sampson L, Stampfer MJ, Colditz GA, Rosner B, Willett WC. Int J Epidemiol. 1989 Dec;18(4):858-67. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Adult Exploratory 3.00 2013-07-22 09:34:41.527 Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) Epidemiology/Environmental History Participant History and Family History

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C09732 Food Frequency Questionnaire - (FFQ)-tomatoes indicator FFQTomInd Average total amount of tomatoes the subject had over this past year, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) Average total amount of tomatoes the subject had over this past year, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) Tomatoes (2 slices) Never;Less than once per month;1-3 per month;1 per week;2-4 per week;5-6 per week;1 or more per day Never;Less than once per month;1-3 per month;1 per week;2-4 per week;5-6 per week;1 or more per day Alphanumeric

Please fill in your average total use, during the past year, of each specified food.

W.C. Willett, Nutritional Epidemiology, Oxford University Press Validation of a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire: comparison with a 1-year diet record.Willett WC, Reynolds RD, Cottrell-Hoehner S, Sampson L, Browne ML.J Am Diet Assoc. 1987 Jan;87(1):43-7. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Food-based validation of a dietary questionnaire: the effects of week-to-week variation in food consumption. Salvini S, Hunter DJ, Sampson L, Stampfer MJ, Colditz GA, Rosner B, Willett WC. Int J Epidemiol. 1989 Dec;18(4):858-67. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Adult Exploratory 3.00 2013-07-22 09:34:41.527 Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) Epidemiology/Environmental History Participant History and Family History

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C09668 Food Frequency Questionnaire - (FFQ)-vitamin E indicator FFQVitEInd Vitamin E indicator, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) Vitamin E indicator, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) Not counting multi-vitamins, do you currently take Vitamin E? No;Yes, currently take it No;Yes, currently take it Alphanumeric

Do not report content of multi-vitamins mentioned in Q1. If no, skip to FFQ Q2-7

W.C. Willett, Nutritional Epidemiology, Oxford University Press Validation of a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire: comparison with a 1-year diet record.Willett WC, Reynolds RD, Cottrell-Hoehner S, Sampson L, Browne ML.J Am Diet Assoc. 1987 Jan;87(1):43-7. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Food-based validation of a dietary questionnaire: the effects of week-to-week variation in food consumption. Salvini S, Hunter DJ, Sampson L, Stampfer MJ, Colditz GA, Rosner B, Willett WC. Int J Epidemiol. 1989 Dec;18(4):858-67. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Adult Exploratory 3.00 2013-07-22 09:34:41.527 Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) Epidemiology/Environmental History Participant History and Family History

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C09825 Food Frequency Questionnaire - (FFQ)-fat free light popcorn indicator FFQFatFreLghtPopcrnInd Average total amount of fat free or light popcorn the subject had over this past year, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) Average total amount of fat free or light popcorn the subject had over this past year, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) Fat free or light popcorn (3 cups) Never;Less than once per month;1-3 servings per month;1 serving per week;2-4 servings per week;5-6 servings per week;1 serving per day;2 or more servings per day Never;Less than once per month;1-3 servings per month;1 serving per week;2-4 servings per week;5-6 servings per week;1 serving per day;2 or more servings per day Alphanumeric

Please fill in your average total use, during the past year, of each specified food.

W.C. Willett, Nutritional Epidemiology, Oxford University Press Validation of a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire: comparison with a 1-year diet record.Willett WC, Reynolds RD, Cottrell-Hoehner S, Sampson L, Browne ML.J Am Diet Assoc. 1987 Jan;87(1):43-7. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Food-based validation of a dietary questionnaire: the effects of week-to-week variation in food consumption. Salvini S, Hunter DJ, Sampson L, Stampfer MJ, Colditz GA, Rosner B, Willett WC. Int J Epidemiol. 1989 Dec;18(4):858-67. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Adult Exploratory 3.00 2013-07-22 09:34:41.527 Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) Epidemiology/Environmental History Participant History and Family History

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C09764 Food Frequency Questionnaire - (FFQ)-chicken turkey sandwich frozen dinner indicator FFQChicknTurkSndwchFrzDinnInd Average total amount of chicken, turkey sandwiches, or frozen dinners the subject had this past year, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) Average total amount of chicken, turkey sandwiches, or frozen dinners the subject had this past year, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) Chicken or turkey sandwich or frozen dinner Never;Less than once per month;Once per week;2-4 times per week;1-3x/mo;5 or more per week Never;Less than once per month;Once per week;2-4 times per week;1-3x/mo (1-3 times per month);5 or more per week Alphanumeric

Please fill in your average total use, during the past year, of each specified food.

W.C. Willett, Nutritional Epidemiology, Oxford University Press Validation of a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire: comparison with a 1-year diet record.Willett WC, Reynolds RD, Cottrell-Hoehner S, Sampson L, Browne ML.J Am Diet Assoc. 1987 Jan;87(1):43-7. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Food-based validation of a dietary questionnaire: the effects of week-to-week variation in food consumption. Salvini S, Hunter DJ, Sampson L, Stampfer MJ, Colditz GA, Rosner B, Willett WC. Int J Epidemiol. 1989 Dec;18(4):858-67. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Adult Exploratory 3.00 2013-07-22 09:34:41.527 Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) Epidemiology/Environmental History Participant History and Family History

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C09700 Food Frequency Questionnaire - (FFQ)-flavored yogurt sweetened fruit other flavoring indicator FFQFlvYoSweFruOthFlvInd Average total amount of flavored yogurt, sweetened with fruit or other flavoring the subject had this past year, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) Average total amount of flavored yogurt, sweetened with fruit or other flavoring the subject had this past year Flavored yogurt, sweetened with fruit or other flavoring (1 cup) Never;Less than once per month;1-3 cups per month;Once per week;2-4 cups per week;5-6 cups per week;Once per day;2 or more servings per day Never;Less than once per month;1-3 cups per month;Once per week;2-4 cups per week;5-6 cups per week;Once per day;2 or more servings per day Alphanumeric

For each food listed, indicate your average total use of the amount specified during the past year

W.C. Willett, Nutritional Epidemiology, Oxford University Press Validation of a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire: comparison with a 1-year diet record.Willett WC, Reynolds RD, Cottrell-Hoehner S, Sampson L, Browne ML.J Am Diet Assoc. 1987 Jan;87(1):43-7. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Food-based validation of a dietary questionnaire: the effects of week-to-week variation in food consumption. Salvini S, Hunter DJ, Sampson L, Stampfer MJ, Colditz GA, Rosner B, Willett WC. Int J Epidemiol. 1989 Dec;18(4):858-67. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Adult Exploratory 3.00 2013-07-22 09:34:41.527 Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) Epidemiology/Environmental History Participant History and Family History

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C09857 Food Frequency Questionnaire - (FFQ)-regular mayonnaise indicator FFQRegMaynInd Average total amount of regular mayonnaise the subject had this past year, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) Average total amount of regular mayonnaise the subject had this past year, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) Regular mayonnaise (1 tbs.) Never;Less than once per month;1-3 tbs. per month;1 tbs. per week;2-4 tbs. per week;5-6 tbs. per week;1 tbs. per day;2 or more tbs. per day Never;Less than once per month;1-3 tbs. per month;1 tbs. per week;2-4 tbs. per week;5-6 tbs. per week;1 tbs. per day;2 or more tbs. per day Alphanumeric

Please fill in your average total use, during the past year, of each specified food.

W.C. Willett, Nutritional Epidemiology, Oxford University Press Validation of a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire: comparison with a 1-year diet record.Willett WC, Reynolds RD, Cottrell-Hoehner S, Sampson L, Browne ML.J Am Diet Assoc. 1987 Jan;87(1):43-7. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Food-based validation of a dietary questionnaire: the effects of week-to-week variation in food consumption. Salvini S, Hunter DJ, Sampson L, Stampfer MJ, Colditz GA, Rosner B, Willett WC. Int J Epidemiol. 1989 Dec;18(4):858-67. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Adult Exploratory 3.00 2013-07-22 09:34:41.527 Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) Epidemiology/Environmental History Participant History and Family History

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C09796 Food Frequency Questionnaire - (FFQ)-other grains indicator FFQOthGrnInd Average total amount of other grains, e.g., bulgar, kasha, buckwheat, etc the subject ate this past year, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) Average total amount of other grains, e.g., bulgar, kasha, buckwheat, etc the subject ate this past year, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) Other grains, e.g., bulgar, kasha, buckwheat, etc. (1 cup) Never;Less than once per month;1-3 cups per month;1 cup per week;2-4 cups per week;5-6 cups per week;1 cup per day;2 or more cups per day Never;Less than once per month;1-3 cups per month;1 cup per week;2-4 cups per week;5-6 cups per week;1 cup per day;2 or more cups per day Alphanumeric

Please fill in your average total use, during the past year, of each specified food.

W.C. Willett, Nutritional Epidemiology, Oxford University Press Validation of a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire: comparison with a 1-year diet record.Willett WC, Reynolds RD, Cottrell-Hoehner S, Sampson L, Browne ML.J Am Diet Assoc. 1987 Jan;87(1):43-7. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Food-based validation of a dietary questionnaire: the effects of week-to-week variation in food consumption. Salvini S, Hunter DJ, Sampson L, Stampfer MJ, Colditz GA, Rosner B, Willett WC. Int J Epidemiol. 1989 Dec;18(4):858-67. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Adult Exploratory 3.00 2013-07-22 09:34:41.527 Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) Epidemiology/Environmental History Participant History and Family History

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C09868 Food Frequency Questionnaire - (FFQ)-other foods not previously eaten indicator FFQOthFdsNotPrevslyEatnInd The servings per week of each of the other foods not mentioned above the subject usually eats at least once per week, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) The servings per week of each of the other foods not mentioned above the subject usually eats at least once per week, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) The servings per week of each of the other foods not mentioned above that you usually eat at least once per week Numeric Values

Answer for each food in FFQ Q16

W.C. Willett, Nutritional Epidemiology, Oxford University Press Validation of a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire: comparison with a 1-year diet record.Willett WC, Reynolds RD, Cottrell-Hoehner S, Sampson L, Browne ML.J Am Diet Assoc. 1987 Jan;87(1):43-7. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Food-based validation of a dietary questionnaire: the effects of week-to-week variation in food consumption. Salvini S, Hunter DJ, Sampson L, Stampfer MJ, Colditz GA, Rosner B, Willett WC. Int J Epidemiol. 1989 Dec;18(4):858-67. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Adult Exploratory 3.00 2013-07-22 09:34:41.527 Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) Epidemiology/Environmental History Participant History and Family History

Free-Form Entry

C09807 Food Frequency Questionnaire - (FFQ)-punch lemonade sports drinks sugared iced tea indicator FFQPnchLemSprtDrnkSugIceTeaInd Average total amount of punch, lemonade, sports drinks, or sugared ice tea the subject drank this past year, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) Average total amount of punch, lemonade, sports drinks, or sugared ice tea the subject drank this past year, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) Punch, lemonade, sports drinks, or sugared ice tea (1 glass, bottle, can) Never;Less than once per month;1-3 glasses per month;1 glass per week;2-4 glasses per week;5-6 glasses per week;1 glass per day;2-3 glasses per day;4 or more glasses per day Never;Less than once per month;1-3 glasses per month;1 glass per week;2-4 glasses per week;5-6 glasses per week;1 glass per day;2-3 glasses per day;4 or more glasses per day Alphanumeric

Please fill in your average total use, during the past year, of each specified food.

W.C. Willett, Nutritional Epidemiology, Oxford University Press Validation of a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire: comparison with a 1-year diet record.Willett WC, Reynolds RD, Cottrell-Hoehner S, Sampson L, Browne ML.J Am Diet Assoc. 1987 Jan;87(1):43-7. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Food-based validation of a dietary questionnaire: the effects of week-to-week variation in food consumption. Salvini S, Hunter DJ, Sampson L, Stampfer MJ, Colditz GA, Rosner B, Willett WC. Int J Epidemiol. 1989 Dec;18(4):858-67. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Adult Exploratory 3.00 2013-07-22 09:34:41.527 Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) Epidemiology/Environmental History Participant History and Family History

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C09743 Food Frequency Questionnaire - (FFQ)-cooked carrots indicator FFQCokdCarrInd Average total amount of cooked carrots the subject had over this past year, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) Average total amount of cooked carrots the subject had over this past year, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) Carrots, cooked (1/2 cup) or carrot juice (2-3 oz.) Never;Less than once per month;1-3x/mo;Once per week;2-4 times per week;5-6 times per week;Once per day;2 or more servings per day Never;Less than once per month;1-3x/mo (1-3 times per month);Once per week;2-4 times per week;5-6 times per week;Once per day;2 or more servings per day Alphanumeric

Please fill in your average total use, during the past year, of each specified food.

W.C. Willett, Nutritional Epidemiology, Oxford University Press Validation of a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire: comparison with a 1-year diet record.Willett WC, Reynolds RD, Cottrell-Hoehner S, Sampson L, Browne ML.J Am Diet Assoc. 1987 Jan;87(1):43-7. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Food-based validation of a dietary questionnaire: the effects of week-to-week variation in food consumption. Salvini S, Hunter DJ, Sampson L, Stampfer MJ, Colditz GA, Rosner B, Willett WC. Int J Epidemiol. 1989 Dec;18(4):858-67. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Adult Exploratory 3.00 2013-07-22 09:34:41.527 Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) Epidemiology/Environmental History Participant History and Family History

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C09679 Food Frequency Questionnaire - (FFQ)-zinc daily dose FFQZnDlyAmnInd Dose per day of Zinc, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) Dose per day of Zinc, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) Dose per day? Less than 25 mg;25 to 74 mg;75 to 100 mg;101 mg or more;Don't know Less than 25 mg;25 to 74 mg;75 to 100 mg;101 mg or more;Don't know Alphanumeric

Only answered if "Yes, currently take it" is answered for "Zinc".

W.C. Willett, Nutritional Epidemiology, Oxford University Press Validation of a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire: comparison with a 1-year diet record.Willett WC, Reynolds RD, Cottrell-Hoehner S, Sampson L, Browne ML.J Am Diet Assoc. 1987 Jan;87(1):43-7. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Food-based validation of a dietary questionnaire: the effects of week-to-week variation in food consumption. Salvini S, Hunter DJ, Sampson L, Stampfer MJ, Colditz GA, Rosner B, Willett WC. Int J Epidemiol. 1989 Dec;18(4):858-67. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Adult Exploratory 3.00 2013-07-22 09:34:41.527 Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) Epidemiology/Environmental History Participant History and Family History

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C09836 Food Frequency Questionnaire - (FFQ)-ready made pie indicator FFQRdyMdPieInd Average total amount of ready-made pie the subject ate this past year , as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) Average total amount of ready-made pie the subject ate this past year , as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) Pie, ready-made (slice) Never;Less than once per month;1-3 slices per month;1 slice per week;2-4 slices per week;5-6 slices per week;1 or more slices per day Never;Less than once per month;1-3 slices per month;1 slice per week;2-4 slices per week;5-6 slices per week;1 or more slices per day Alphanumeric

Please fill in your average total use, during the past year, of each specified food.

W.C. Willett, Nutritional Epidemiology, Oxford University Press Validation of a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire: comparison with a 1-year diet record.Willett WC, Reynolds RD, Cottrell-Hoehner S, Sampson L, Browne ML.J Am Diet Assoc. 1987 Jan;87(1):43-7. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Food-based validation of a dietary questionnaire: the effects of week-to-week variation in food consumption. Salvini S, Hunter DJ, Sampson L, Stampfer MJ, Colditz GA, Rosner B, Willett WC. Int J Epidemiol. 1989 Dec;18(4):858-67. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Adult Exploratory 3.00 2013-07-22 09:34:41.527 Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) Epidemiology/Environmental History Participant History and Family History

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C09775 Food Frequency Questionnaire - (FFQ)-beef lamb main dish indicator FFQBefLmbManDisInd Average total amount of beef or lamb as a main dish the subject had this past year, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) Average total amount of beef or lamb as a main dish the subject had this past year, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) Beef or lamb as a main dish, e.g., steak, roast (4-6 oz.) Never;Less than once per month;1-3x/mo;Once per week;2-4 times per week;5-6 times per week;1 or more times per day Never;Less than once per month;1-3x/mo (1-3 times per month);Once per week;2-4 times per week;5-6 times per week;1 or more times per day Alphanumeric

Please fill in your average total use, during the past year, of each specified food.

W.C. Willett, Nutritional Epidemiology, Oxford University Press Validation of a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire: comparison with a 1-year diet record.Willett WC, Reynolds RD, Cottrell-Hoehner S, Sampson L, Browne ML.J Am Diet Assoc. 1987 Jan;87(1):43-7. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Food-based validation of a dietary questionnaire: the effects of week-to-week variation in food consumption. Salvini S, Hunter DJ, Sampson L, Stampfer MJ, Colditz GA, Rosner B, Willett WC. Int J Epidemiol. 1989 Dec;18(4):858-67. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Adult Exploratory 3.00 2013-07-22 09:34:41.527 Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) Epidemiology/Environmental History Participant History and Family History

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C09711 Food Frequency Questionnaire - (FFQ)-margarine spreadable butter type indicator FFQMarSpreButTypInd Type of margarine or spreadable butter the subject usually uses, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) Type of margarine or spreadable butter the subject usually uses, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) What type of margarine or spreadable butter do you usually use? Regular;Light spread;Nonfat Regular;Light spread;Nonfat Alphanumeric

No instructions available

W.C. Willett, Nutritional Epidemiology, Oxford University Press Validation of a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire: comparison with a 1-year diet record.Willett WC, Reynolds RD, Cottrell-Hoehner S, Sampson L, Browne ML.J Am Diet Assoc. 1987 Jan;87(1):43-7. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Food-based validation of a dietary questionnaire: the effects of week-to-week variation in food consumption. Salvini S, Hunter DJ, Sampson L, Stampfer MJ, Colditz GA, Rosner B, Willett WC. Int J Epidemiol. 1989 Dec;18(4):858-67. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Adult Exploratory 3.00 2013-07-22 09:34:41.527 Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) Epidemiology/Environmental History Participant History and Family History

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C09722 Food Frequency Questionnaire - (FFQ)-oranges indicator FFQOrngInd Average total amount of oranges the subject had this past year, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) Average total amount of oranges the subject had this past year, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) Oranges (1) Never;Less than once per month;1-3x/mo;1 per week;2-4 per week;5-6 per week;One per day;2-3 per day;4 or more per day Never;Less than once per month;1-3x/mo (1-3 times per month);1 per week;2-4 per week;5-6 per week;One per day;2-3 per day;4 or more per day Alphanumeric

Please fill in your average total use, during the past year, of each specified food. 'Please try to average your seasonal use of foods over the entire year. For example, if a food such as cantaloupe is eaten 4 times a week during the 3 months that it is in season, then average total use would be once per week over the year

W.C. Willett, Nutritional Epidemiology, Oxford University Press Validation of a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire: comparison with a 1-year diet record.Willett WC, Reynolds RD, Cottrell-Hoehner S, Sampson L, Browne ML.J Am Diet Assoc. 1987 Jan;87(1):43-7. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Food-based validation of a dietary questionnaire: the effects of week-to-week variation in food consumption. Salvini S, Hunter DJ, Sampson L, Stampfer MJ, Colditz GA, Rosner B, Willett WC. Int J Epidemiol. 1989 Dec;18(4):858-67. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Adult Exploratory 3.00 2013-07-22 09:34:41.527 Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) Epidemiology/Environmental History Participant History and Family History

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C09879 Food Frequency Questionnaire - (FFQ)-red meat use ten years indicator FFQRedMetUseTenYrInd Indicator of how the subjects use of red meat changed over the past ten years, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) Indicator of how the subjects use of red meat changed over the past ten years, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) How has your use of red meat changed over the past ten years? Use has decreased;Use about the same;Use has increased Use has decreased;Use about the same;Use has increased Alphanumeric

No instructions available

W.C. Willett, Nutritional Epidemiology, Oxford University Press Validation of a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire: comparison with a 1-year diet record.Willett WC, Reynolds RD, Cottrell-Hoehner S, Sampson L, Browne ML.J Am Diet Assoc. 1987 Jan;87(1):43-7. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Food-based validation of a dietary questionnaire: the effects of week-to-week variation in food consumption. Salvini S, Hunter DJ, Sampson L, Stampfer MJ, Colditz GA, Rosner B, Willett WC. Int J Epidemiol. 1989 Dec;18(4):858-67. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Adult Exploratory 3.00 2013-07-22 09:34:41.527 Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) Epidemiology/Environmental History Participant History and Family History

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C09658 Food Frequency Questionnaire - (FFQ)-beta carotene duration FFQBetCarDuration Beta carotene indicator, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) Beta carotene indicator, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) How long have you taken beta carotene? 0-1 year;2-4 years;5-9 years;10 years or more 0-1 year;2-4 years;5-9 years;10 years or more Alphanumeric

No instructions available

W.C. Willett, Nutritional Epidemiology, Oxford University Press Validation of a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire: comparison with a 1-year diet record.Willett WC, Reynolds RD, Cottrell-Hoehner S, Sampson L, Browne ML.J Am Diet Assoc. 1987 Jan;87(1):43-7. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Food-based validation of a dietary questionnaire: the effects of week-to-week variation in food consumption. Salvini S, Hunter DJ, Sampson L, Stampfer MJ, Colditz GA, Rosner B, Willett WC. Int J Epidemiol. 1989 Dec;18(4):858-67. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Adult Exploratory 3.00 2013-07-22 09:34:41.527 Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) Epidemiology/Environmental History Participant History and Family History

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C09815 Food Frequency Questionnaire - (FFQ)-tea caffeine green tea indicator FFQTeaCaffGrnTeaInd Average total amount of tea with caffeine, including green tea the subject had this past year, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) Average total amount of tea with caffeine, including green tea the subject had this past year, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) Tea with caffeine, including green tea (8 oz. cup) Never;Less than once per month;1-3 cups per month;1 cup per week;2-4 cups per week;5-6 cups per week;1 cup per day;2-3 cups per day;4-5 cups per day;6+ cups per day Never;Less than once per month;1-3 cups per month;1 cup per week;2-4 cups per week;5-6 cups per week;1 cup per day;2-3 cups per day;4-5 cups per day;6+ cups per day Alphanumeric

Please fill in your average total use, during the past year, of each specified food.

W.C. Willett, Nutritional Epidemiology, Oxford University Press Validation of a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire: comparison with a 1-year diet record.Willett WC, Reynolds RD, Cottrell-Hoehner S, Sampson L, Browne ML.J Am Diet Assoc. 1987 Jan;87(1):43-7. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Food-based validation of a dietary questionnaire: the effects of week-to-week variation in food consumption. Salvini S, Hunter DJ, Sampson L, Stampfer MJ, Colditz GA, Rosner B, Willett WC. Int J Epidemiol. 1989 Dec;18(4):858-67. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Adult Exploratory 3.00 2013-07-22 09:34:41.527 Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) Epidemiology/Environmental History Participant History and Family History

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C09754 Food Frequency Questionnaire - (FFQ)-Iceberg head lettuce indicator FFQIcebrgHedLettInd Average total amount of iceberg or head lettuce the subject had over this past year, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) Average total amount of iceberg or head lettuce the subject had over this past year, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) Iceberg or head lettuce (serving) Never;Less than once per month;1-3x/mo;Once per week;2-4 times per week;5-6 times per week;Once per day;2 or more servings per day Never;Less than once per month;1-3x/mo (1-3 times per month);Once per week;2-4 times per week;5-6 times per week;Once per day;2 or more servings per day Alphanumeric

Please fill in your average total use, during the past year, of each specified food.

W.C. Willett, Nutritional Epidemiology, Oxford University Press Validation of a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire: comparison with a 1-year diet record.Willett WC, Reynolds RD, Cottrell-Hoehner S, Sampson L, Browne ML.J Am Diet Assoc. 1987 Jan;87(1):43-7. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Food-based validation of a dietary questionnaire: the effects of week-to-week variation in food consumption. Salvini S, Hunter DJ, Sampson L, Stampfer MJ, Colditz GA, Rosner B, Willett WC. Int J Epidemiol. 1989 Dec;18(4):858-67. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Adult Exploratory 3.00 2013-07-22 09:34:41.527 Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) Epidemiology/Environmental History Participant History and Family History

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C09690 Food Frequency Questionnaire - (FFQ)-current supplement indicator FFQCurSuppInd Other supplements subject is currently taking on a regular basis, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) Other supplements subject is currently taking on a regular basis, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) Which other supplements are you taking currently on a regular basis (at least once per week)? None;Metamucil;Cod liver oil;Brewer's yeast;Folic acid or folate (B9);Magnesium;Niacin;Vitamin B12;Flaxseed oil;Flaxseed;B-complex;Melatonin;Chromium;Lecithin;Coenzyme Q10;Choline;Evening primrose;Ginkgo biloba;Lycopene;DHEA;Glucosamine/Chondroitin;Other None;Metamucil;Cod liver oil;Brewer's yeast;Folic acid or folate (B9);Magnesium;Niacin;Vitamin B12;Flaxseed oil;Flaxseed;B-complex;Melatonin;Chromium;Lecithin;Coenzyme Q10;Choline;Evening primrose;Ginkgo biloba;Lycopene;DHEA;Glucosamine/Chondroitin;Other Alphanumeric

No instructions available

W.C. Willett, Nutritional Epidemiology, Oxford University Press Validation of a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire: comparison with a 1-year diet record.Willett WC, Reynolds RD, Cottrell-Hoehner S, Sampson L, Browne ML.J Am Diet Assoc. 1987 Jan;87(1):43-7. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Food-based validation of a dietary questionnaire: the effects of week-to-week variation in food consumption. Salvini S, Hunter DJ, Sampson L, Stampfer MJ, Colditz GA, Rosner B, Willett WC. Int J Epidemiol. 1989 Dec;18(4):858-67. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Adult Exploratory 3.00 2013-07-22 09:34:41.527 Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) Epidemiology/Environmental History Participant History and Family History

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C09847 Food Frequency Questionnaire - (FFQ)-other bran added food indicator FFQOthBranAddFdInd Average total amount of other bran (wheat, etc.) the subject ate this past year, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) Average total amount of other bran (wheat, etc.) the subject ate this past year, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) Other bran (wheat, etc), added to food (1 tbs) Never;Less than once per month;1-3 tbs per month;1 tbs per week;2-4 tbs per week;5-6 tbs per week;1 tbs per day;2 or more servings per day Never;Less than once per month;1-3 tbs per month;1 tbs per week;2-4 tbs per week;5-6 tbs per week;1 tbs per day;2 or more servings per day Alphanumeric

Please fill in your average total use, during the past year, of each specified food.

W.C. Willett, Nutritional Epidemiology, Oxford University Press Validation of a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire: comparison with a 1-year diet record.Willett WC, Reynolds RD, Cottrell-Hoehner S, Sampson L, Browne ML.J Am Diet Assoc. 1987 Jan;87(1):43-7. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Food-based validation of a dietary questionnaire: the effects of week-to-week variation in food consumption. Salvini S, Hunter DJ, Sampson L, Stampfer MJ, Colditz GA, Rosner B, Willett WC. Int J Epidemiol. 1989 Dec;18(4):858-67. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Adult Exploratory 3.00 2013-07-22 09:34:41.527 Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) Epidemiology/Environmental History Participant History and Family History

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C09786 Food Frequency Questionnaire - (FFQ)-brand type cold breakfast cereal indicator FFQBrndTypCldBrkfstCerlInd Brand and type of cold breakfast cereal the subject usually eats, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) Brand and type of cold breakfast cereal the subject usually eats, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) What brand and type of cold breakfast cereal do you usually eat? Alphanumeric

Specify brand & type (e.g., "General Mills Rice Chex")

W.C. Willett, Nutritional Epidemiology, Oxford University Press Validation of a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire: comparison with a 1-year diet record.Willett WC, Reynolds RD, Cottrell-Hoehner S, Sampson L, Browne ML.J Am Diet Assoc. 1987 Jan;87(1):43-7. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Food-based validation of a dietary questionnaire: the effects of week-to-week variation in food consumption. Salvini S, Hunter DJ, Sampson L, Stampfer MJ, Colditz GA, Rosner B, Willett WC. Int J Epidemiol. 1989 Dec;18(4):858-67. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Adult Exploratory 3.00 2013-07-22 09:34:41.527 Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) Epidemiology/Environmental History Participant History and Family History 255

Free-Form Entry

C09733 Food Frequency Questionnaire - (FFQ)-tomato V8 juice indicator FFQTomV8JucInd Average total amount of tomato or V8 juice the subject had over this past year, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) Average total amount of tomato or V8 juice the subject had over this past year, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) Tomato or V8 juice (small glass) Never;Less than once per month;1-3 glasses per month;1 glass per week;2-4 glasses per week;5-6 glasses per week;1 glass per day;2 or more glasses per day Never;Less than once per month;1-3 glasses per month;1 glass per week;2-4 glasses per week;5-6 glasses per week;1 glass per day;2 or more glasses per day Alphanumeric

Please fill in your average total use, during the past year, of each specified food.

W.C. Willett, Nutritional Epidemiology, Oxford University Press Validation of a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire: comparison with a 1-year diet record.Willett WC, Reynolds RD, Cottrell-Hoehner S, Sampson L, Browne ML.J Am Diet Assoc. 1987 Jan;87(1):43-7. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Food-based validation of a dietary questionnaire: the effects of week-to-week variation in food consumption. Salvini S, Hunter DJ, Sampson L, Stampfer MJ, Colditz GA, Rosner B, Willett WC. Int J Epidemiol. 1989 Dec;18(4):858-67. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Adult Exploratory 3.00 2013-07-22 09:34:41.527 Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) Epidemiology/Environmental History Participant History and Family History

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C09669 Food Frequency Questionnaire - (FFQ)-vitamin E daily dose FFQVitEDlyDose Dose per day of Vitamin E, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) Dose per day of Vitamin E, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) Dose per day? Less than 100 IU;100 to 250 IU;300 to 500 IU;600 IU or more;Don't know Less than 100 IU;100 to 250 IU;300 to 500 IU;600 IU or more;Don't know Alphanumeric

Only answered if "Yes, currently take it" is answered for "Vitamin E"

W.C. Willett, Nutritional Epidemiology, Oxford University Press Validation of a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire: comparison with a 1-year diet record.Willett WC, Reynolds RD, Cottrell-Hoehner S, Sampson L, Browne ML.J Am Diet Assoc. 1987 Jan;87(1):43-7. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Food-based validation of a dietary questionnaire: the effects of week-to-week variation in food consumption. Salvini S, Hunter DJ, Sampson L, Stampfer MJ, Colditz GA, Rosner B, Willett WC. Int J Epidemiol. 1989 Dec;18(4):858-67. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Adult Exploratory 3.00 2013-07-22 09:34:41.527 Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) Epidemiology/Environmental History Participant History and Family History

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C09826 Food Frequency Questionnaire - (FFQ)-regular popcorn indicator FFQRegPopcrnInd Average total amount of regular popcorn the subject ate this past year, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) Average total amount of regular popcorn the subject ate this past year, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) Regular popcorn (3 cups) Never;Less than once per month;1-3 servings per month;1 serving per week;2-4 servings per week;5-6 servings per week;1 serving per day;2 or more servings per day Never;Less than once per month;1-3 servings per month;1 serving per week;2-4 servings per week;5-6 servings per week;1 serving per day;2 or more servings per day Alphanumeric

Please fill in your average total use, during the past year, of each specified food.

W.C. Willett, Nutritional Epidemiology, Oxford University Press Validation of a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire: comparison with a 1-year diet record.Willett WC, Reynolds RD, Cottrell-Hoehner S, Sampson L, Browne ML.J Am Diet Assoc. 1987 Jan;87(1):43-7. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Food-based validation of a dietary questionnaire: the effects of week-to-week variation in food consumption. Salvini S, Hunter DJ, Sampson L, Stampfer MJ, Colditz GA, Rosner B, Willett WC. Int J Epidemiol. 1989 Dec;18(4):858-67. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Adult Exploratory 3.00 2013-07-22 09:34:41.527 Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) Epidemiology/Environmental History Participant History and Family History

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C09765 Food Frequency Questionnaire - (FFQ)-other chicken turkey skin indicator FFQOthChicknTurkSkinInd Average total amount of other chicken or turkey, with skin the subject had this past year, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) Average total amount of other chicken or turkey, with skin the subject had this past year, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) Other chicken or turkey, with skin (3 oz.) Never;Less than once per month;Once per week;2-4 times per week;5-6 times per week;Once per day;2 or more servings per day;1-3x/mo Never;Less than once per month;Once per week;2-4 times per week;5-6 times per week;Once per day;2 or more servings per day;1-3x/mo (1-3 times per month) Alphanumeric

Please fill in your average total use, during the past year, of each specified food.

W.C. Willett, Nutritional Epidemiology, Oxford University Press Validation of a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire: comparison with a 1-year diet record.Willett WC, Reynolds RD, Cottrell-Hoehner S, Sampson L, Browne ML.J Am Diet Assoc. 1987 Jan;87(1):43-7. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Food-based validation of a dietary questionnaire: the effects of week-to-week variation in food consumption. Salvini S, Hunter DJ, Sampson L, Stampfer MJ, Colditz GA, Rosner B, Willett WC. Int J Epidemiol. 1989 Dec;18(4):858-67. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Adult Exploratory 3.00 2013-07-22 09:34:41.527 Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) Epidemiology/Environmental History Participant History and Family History

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C09701 Food Frequency Questionnaire - (FFQ)-low carb artificially sweetened plain yogurt indicator FFQLoCrbArtSwePlanYoInd Average total amount of yogurt (low carb, artificially sweetened or plain) the subject had this past year, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) Average total amount of yogurt (low carb, artificially sweetened or plain) the subject had this past year, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) Yogurt, low carb, artificially sweetened or plain (1 cup) Never;Less than once per month;1-3 cups per month;Once per week;2-4 cups per week;5-6 cups per week;Once per day;2 or more servings per day Never;Less than once per month;1-3 cups per month;Once per week;2-4 cups per week;5-6 cups per week;Once per day;2 or more servings per day Alphanumeric

For each food listed, indicate your average total use of the amount specified during the past year

W.C. Willett, Nutritional Epidemiology, Oxford University Press Validation of a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire: comparison with a 1-year diet record.Willett WC, Reynolds RD, Cottrell-Hoehner S, Sampson L, Browne ML.J Am Diet Assoc. 1987 Jan;87(1):43-7. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Food-based validation of a dietary questionnaire: the effects of week-to-week variation in food consumption. Salvini S, Hunter DJ, Sampson L, Stampfer MJ, Colditz GA, Rosner B, Willett WC. Int J Epidemiol. 1989 Dec;18(4):858-67. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Adult Exploratory 3.00 2013-07-22 09:34:41.527 Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) Epidemiology/Environmental History Participant History and Family History

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C09858 Food Frequency Questionnaire - (FFQ)-salad dressing indicator FFQSaldDrssInd Average total amount of salad dressing the subject had this past year, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) Average total amount of salad dressing the subject had this past year, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) Salad dressing (1-2 tbs.) Never;Less than once per month;1-3 tbs. per month;1 tbs. per week;2-4 tbs. per week;5-6 tbs. per week;1 tbs. per day;2-3 tbs. per day;4 or more tbs. per day Never;Less than once per month;1-3 tbs. per month;1 tbs. per week;2-4 tbs. per week;5-6 tbs. per week;1 tbs. per day;2-3 tbs. per day;4 or more tbs. per day Alphanumeric

Please fill in your average total use, during the past year, of each specified food.

W.C. Willett, Nutritional Epidemiology, Oxford University Press Validation of a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire: comparison with a 1-year diet record.Willett WC, Reynolds RD, Cottrell-Hoehner S, Sampson L, Browne ML.J Am Diet Assoc. 1987 Jan;87(1):43-7. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Food-based validation of a dietary questionnaire: the effects of week-to-week variation in food consumption. Salvini S, Hunter DJ, Sampson L, Stampfer MJ, Colditz GA, Rosner B, Willett WC. Int J Epidemiol. 1989 Dec;18(4):858-67. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Adult Exploratory 3.00 2013-07-22 09:34:41.527 Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) Epidemiology/Environmental History Participant History and Family History

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C09797 Food Frequency Questionnaire - (FFQ)-pancakes waffles indicator FFQPanckWaffInd Average total amount of pancakes or waffles the subject ate this past year, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) Average total amount of pancakes or waffles the subject ate this past year, as part of Food Frequency Questionnaire -(FFQ) Pancakes or waffles (2 small pieces) Never;Less than once per month;1-3 times per week;1 serving per week;2-4 servings per week;5-6 servings per week;1 serving per day;2 or more servings per day Never;Less than once per month;1-3 times per week;1 serving per week;2-4 servings per week;5-6 servings per week;1 serving per day;2 or more servings per day Alphanumeric

Please fill in your average total use, during the past year, of each specified food.

W.C. Willett, Nutritional Epidemiology, Oxford University Press Validation of a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire: comparison with a 1-year diet record.Willett WC, Reynolds RD, Cottrell-Hoehner S, Sampson L, Browne ML.J Am Diet Assoc. 1987 Jan;87(1):43-7. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Food-based validation of a dietary questionnaire: the effects of week-to-week variation in food consumption. Salvini S, Hunter DJ, Sampson L, Stampfer MJ, Colditz GA, Rosner B, Willett WC. Int J Epidemiol. 1989 Dec;18(4):858-67. Validation of a dietary questionnaire with plasma carotenoid and alpha-tocopherol levels.Willett WC, Stampfer MJ, Underwood BA, Speizer FE, Rosner B, Hennekens CH.Am J Clin Nutr. 1983 Oct;38(4):631-9. Adult Exploratory 3.00 2013-07-22 09:34:41.527 Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) Epidemiology/Environmental History Participant History and Family History

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected