Huntington’s Disease

Data Standards

Organized by domains and subdomains often used in clinical studies, data standards include:

•         CDEs — Classified as Core, Supplemental–Highly Recommended, Supplemental, or Exploratory

•         CRF Modules — Template forms that logically organize CDEs for data collection

•         Guidance Documents — Provide further information about the CDEs

•         Instrument Notice of Copyright (NOC) Documents Include pertinent information on recommended instruments (Instrument Notice of Copyright Information)

Huntington's Disease Start-up Resource Listing: All Core and Supplemental–Highly Recommended CDEs recommended for Huntington's Disease study start-up

Huntington's Disease Highlight Summary: Overview of all Huntington's Disease-specific CDE recommendations as they appear on the website

Click Expand All to view the CDEs associated with the CRF modules, organized by domain and subdomain.

Form Search Instructions - Please Read Before Searching

The Form Search is designed to filter the CRF Modules, Guidance Documents, and NOCs on this page by Search Term, Domain, Subdomain, and/or Copyright Status. The Copyright field is designed to filter between forms that are freely available online and forms that are copyrighted or trademarked. Please note that regardless of copyright/trademark status, these instruments are not available on this website. All recommended instruments, regardless of copyright status, have informational documents posted on the NINDS CDE website which provide details concerning availability.

Helpful Hints:

Once you have completed your search, the search results will need to be expanded by clicking the Expand All button to view results.

The default setting for Domain, Subdomain and Copyright fields is ‘Any’.

Leave the Search Term(s) field blank to return all results or enter search terms or keywords to return any forms that match the terms that are entered.

For best results, click the Clear button between searches.

Please contact NINDS CDE team ( in case you encounter any search difficulties.

Click here for additional instructions

Participant Characteristics
CRF Module/Guidance CDEs
General Core CDE Details
Demographics CDE Details
Social Status
CRF Module/Guidance CDEs
Social Status CDE Details
Disease/Injury Related Events
Outcomes and End Points


The first set of Common Data Elements (CDEs) for Huntington’s Disease was developed in 2011.

To develop the Huntington’s disease (HD) CDEs, the Huntington’s disease CDE Working Group divided into subgroups to focus on identifying and defining data elements in the domains of:

  • Motor
  • Imaging Biomarkers
  • Biochemical Markers
  • Genetics
  • Epidemiology/Environment
  • Functional Outcomes/Patient Reported Outcomes
  • Behavior/ Psychiatry
  • Pathology
  • Operations
  • Cognitive
  • Scale Metrics and Statistics


The Huntington’s Disease CDE Working Group was comprised of eleven different subgroups. Chairs were appointed to lead the overall Working Group and the individual subgroups. The Working Group members actively developed the CDEs for their specific subgroups and also had an opportunity to review and comment on the recommendations of the other subgroups. The HD CDE Working Group was supported by the NINDS CDE Team. The complete HD CDE Working Group roster and the rosters by Subgroup are shown below.

Complete Huntington’s Disease CDE Working Group Roster


The Working Group members served on one subgroup. The subgroups began meeting by teleconference in March 2011 and continued to hold calls every four to six weeks through fall 2011 to define the CDEs for their domains and to recommend standardized, validated instruments for HD research. The Huntington Disease CDE Oversight Committee was created in 2016.

Oversight Committee Members

Oversight Committee Members

  • Karen Anderson, MD
    Georgetown University Medical Center, Washington, District of Columbia
  • Ira Shoulson, MD
    University of Rochester, Rochester, New York; Georgetown University, Washington, District of Columbia; Grey Matter Technologies LLC, Sarasota, Florida
  • Kevin Biglan, MD, MPH
    Eli Lilly and Company, Indianapolis, Indiana
  • Noelle Carlozzi, PhD
    University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan
  • Blair Leavitt, MD
    The University of British Columbia, BC Children's Hospital Research Institute, British Columbia, Canada
  • Kathleen Shannon, MD
    University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, Madison, Wisconsin
  • Glenn Stebbins, PhD
    Rush University, Rush Medical College, Chicago, Illinois
  • Julie Stout, PhD
    Monash University, Melbourne, Australia

Working Group Co-Chairs

Working Group Co-Chairs

  • Ira Shoulson, MD
    University of Rochester, Rochester, New York; Georgetown University, Washington, District of Columbia
  • Julie Stout, PhD
    Monash University, Melbourne, Australia



  • Karen Anderson, MD
    University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland
  • David Craufurd, MB, BS, MSc, FRCPsych
    The University of Manchester School of Medicine, Manchester, United Kingdom
  • Mark Groves, MD
    Beth Israel Medical Center, Phillips Ambulatory Care Center, New York, New York
  • Erik van Duijn, MD, PhD
    Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, Netherlands
  • Daniel van Kammen, MD, PhD
    CHDI Foundation, Inc., New York, New York

Biochemical Markers

Biochemical Markers

  • Blair Leavitt, MD, CM, FRCPC
    The University of British Columbia, BC Children's Hospital, British Colombia, Canada
  • Beth Borowsky, PhD
    CHDI Foundation, Inc., New York, New York
  • Steven Hersch, MD, PhD
    Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts
  • Ruth Luthi-Carter, PhD
    Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Luasanne, Switzerland
  • Oksana Suchowersky, MD, PhD, FRCP
    University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada
  • Sarah Tabrizi, MD, PhD, FRCP
    UCL Institute of Neurology, National Hospital of Neurology and Neurosurgery, London, United Kingdom



  • Jennifer Thompson, PhD
    Greater Manchester Neuroscience Centre, Salford, United Kingdom
  • Leigh Beglinger, PhD
    University of Iowa, Carver College of Medicine, Iowa City, Iowa
  • Peter Como, PhD
    U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Washingotn, District of Colombia
  • Deborah Harrington, Ph.D
    University of California San Diego, Ad hoc member, San Diego, California
  • Sarah Queller, PhD
    Queller Consulting, Saint Petersburg, Florida
  • Megan Smith, Ph.D
    The University of Iowa, Ad hoc member, Iowa City, Iowa
  • Glenn Stebbins, PhD
    Rush University, Rush Medical College, Chicago, Illinois
  • Julie Stout, PhD
    Monash University, Melbourne, Australia



  • Caroline Tanner, MD, PhD
    The Parkinson's Institute, Sunnyvale, California
  • Monica Busse, PhD
    Cardiff University, Cardiff, United Kingdom
  • Elan Louis, MD, MSc
    Columbia University, Mailman School of Public Health, New York, New York
  • Karen Marder, MD, MPH
    Columbia University, College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, New York
  • Brad Racette, MD
    Washington University School of Medicine, St Louis, Missouri

Functional Outcomes/Patient Reported Outcomes

Functional Outcomes/Patient Reported Outcomes

  • Jody Corey-Bloom, MD, PhD
    University of California San Diego, San Diego, California
  • Noelle Carlozzi, PhD
    The Center for Rehabilitation Outcomes and Assessment Research, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan
  • Aileen Ho, PhD
    University of Reading, Earley Gate, Reading, United Kingdom
  • Bernhard Landwehrmeyer, MD, PhD
    University of Ulm, Ulm, Germany
  • Jane Paulsen, PhD
    University of Iowa, Carver College of Medicine, Iowa City, Iowa
  • Lori Quinn, PT, EdD
    Cardiff University, Cardiff, United Kingdom
  • David Tulsky, Ph.D.
    University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, Michigan



  • Tatiana Foroud, PhD
    Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, Indiana
  • James Gusella, PhD
    Massachusetts General Hospital, Center for Human Genetic Research, Boston, Massachusetts
  • Lesley Jones, PhD
    Cardiff University School of Medicine, Cardiff, United Kingdom

Imaging Biomarkers

Imaging Biomarkers

  • Elizabeth Aylward, PhD
    Seattle Children's Research Institute, Seattle, Washington
  • Andrew Feigin, MD
    New York University School of Medicine, New York, New York
  • Nellie Georgiou-Karistianis, PhD
    Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
  • Diana Rosas, MD
    Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts
  • Christopher Ross, MD, PhD
    The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland
  • Rachel Scahill, MA, PhD
    UCL Institute of Neurology, London, United Kingdom



  • Kevin Biglan, MD
    University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, Rochester, New York
  • Joanne Fielding, PhD
    Monash Medical Centre, Clayton, Australia
  • Joseph Jankovic, MD
    Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas
  • Ralf Reilmann, MD
    University Clinic Muenster, Munster, Germany
  • Kathleen Shannon, MD
    University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, Madison, Wisconsin



  • Elise Kayson, MS, RNC, ANP
    University of Rochester, Rochester, New York
  • Lisa deBlieck, MPA, CCRC
    University of Rochester, Rochseter, New York
  • Terry Tempkin, RNC, MSN, ANP
    University of California Davis Medical Center, Sacremento, California



  • Jean Paul Vonsattel, PhD
    Children's Hospital of New York-Presbyterian, New York, New York
  • Marian DiFiglia, MD, PhD
    Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts
  • Carol Moskowitz, MS, APRN-C, CNRN
    Columbia University HD Center, New York, New York
  • Raymund Roos, MD
    Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, Netherlands
  • Clifford Saper, MD, PhD
    Harvard Medical School and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, Massachusetts
  • Leslie Thompson, PhD
    University of California, Irvine, Irvine, California

Scale Metrics and Statistics

Scale Metrics and Statistics

  • Doug Langbehn, MD, PhD
    University of Iowa, Carver College of Medicine, Iowa City, Iowa
  • Peggy Auinger, M.S.
    University of Rochester, Rochseter, New York
  • Kenneth Evans, PhD
    Ontario Cancer Biomarker Network, Toronto, Canada
  • Michael McDermott, PhD
    University of Rochester Medical Center, Rochester, New York
  • John Warner, PhD
    CHDI Foundation, Inc., New York, New York



  • Codrin Lungu, MD
    National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), National Institutes of Health (NIH), Bethesda, Maryland
  • M. Carolina Mendoza-Puccini, MD
    NINDS CDE Program Director, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), National Institutes of Health (NIH), Bethesda, Maryland
  • Daniel Miller, PhD
    National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), National Institutes of Health (NIH), Bethesda, Maryland
  • Debra Babcock, MD, PhD (Until 2017)
    National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), National Institutes of Health (NIH), Bethesda, Maryland
  • Joanne Odenkirchen, MPH (Until 2016)
    NINDS CDE Project Officer, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), National Institutes of Health (NIH), Bethesda, Maryland
  • Beth-Anne Sieber, PhD (Until 2017)
    National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), National Institutes of Health (NIH), Bethesda, Maryland
  • Joy Esterlitz, MS (Until 2020)
    The Emmes Company, LLC, Rockville, Maryland
  • Robin Feldman, BS, MBA
    The Emmes Company, LLC, Rockville, Maryland
  • Kristen Joseph, MA (Until 2019)
    The Emmes Company, LLC, Rockville, Maryland
  • Muniza Sheikh, MS, MBA
    The Emmes Company, LLC, Rockville, Maryland
  • Sherita Ala'i Hansen, MS (Until 2018)
    The Emmes Company, LLC, Rockville, Maryland
  • Lisa Hunegs, MSW, MPH
    KAI Research, Inc. (An Altarum Company), Rockville, Maryland
  • Kristy Miller, MPH
    KAI Research, Inc. (An Altarum Company), Rockville, Maryland
  • Megan Schmidt
    KAI Research, Inc. (An Altarum Company), Rockville, Maryland


A publication related to the Huntington's Disease CDE initiative will be written at a later date. The citation for this publication will be included on this site as soon as it is available.


Please see attached revision history document. Please contact if you require further information or have any questions about the revision history.

Huntington's Disease CDEs Revision History