CDE Detailed Report

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Subdomain Name: Devices
CRF: welcome

Displaying 101 - 139 of 139
CDE ID CDE Name Variable Name Definition Short Description Question Text Permissible Values Description Data Type Disease Specific Instructions Disease Specific Reference Population Classification (e.g., Core) Version Number Version Date CRF Name (CRF Module / Guidance) Subdomain Name Domain Name Size Input Restrictions Min Value Max Value Measurement Type External Id Loinc External Id Snomed External Id caDSR External Id CDISC
C12686 Orthosis type use indicator OrthsisTypUseInd Indicator whether the participant/subject currently uses the selected types of orthosis Indicator whether the participant/subject currently uses the selected types of orthosis Device used? Yes;No;Not applicable;Unknown Yes;No;Not applicable;Unknown Alphanumeric

Indicate whether the participant/subject currently uses the selected types of orthosis.

No references available Adult NeuroRehab Supplemental-Highly Recommended 3.00 2013-07-24 11:38:01.2 Devices: Mobility and Manipulation Devices Treatment/Intervention Data

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C58577 Eat drink assistive device type EatDrinkAssistDeviceTyp Type of eating / drinking device currently used by the participant/subject Type of eating / drinking device currently used by the participant/subjec Device used? Cutlery / Chopsticks;Plates / Bowls;Cups, Mugs, Drinking Aids (e.g., Straws, Grip Adapters / Attachments);Stoppers and Funnels;Bib / Clothing Protectors;Feeding Systems (enteral / parenteral);Feeding Apparatus (manual);Food Guards;Other, specify Cutlery / Chopsticks;Plates / Bowls;Cups, Mugs, Drinking Aids (e.g., Straws, Grip Adapters / Attachments);Stoppers and Funnels;Bib / Clothing Protectors;Feeding Systems (enteral / parenteral);Feeding Apparatus (manual);Food Guards;Other, specify Alphanumeric

Only answer if eating / drinking assistive device is answered Yes.

No references available Adult NeuroRehab Supplemental-Highly Recommended 1.00 2018-06-29 13:18:07.0 Devices: Mobility and Manipulation Devices Treatment/Intervention Data

Multiple Pre-Defined Values Selected

C19493 Spinal cord injury upper extremity assistive device use frequency value SCIUPAssistDevUseFreqVal The frequency of use of assistive devices for upper extremity in spinal cord injury The frequency of use of assistive devices for upper extremity in spinal cord injur Use of assistive devices used to enhance upper extremity function Never or less than monthly;Not daily, but one or more times weekly;Not weekly, but one or more times monthly;Used daily Never or less than monthly;Not daily, but one or more times weekly;Not weekly, but one or more times monthly;Used daily Alphanumeric

UEDEVICE- (all equipment like splints, adaptive equipment, surface functional electrical stimulation (FES), etc.) Adult NeuroRehab Supplemental-Highly Recommended 1.00 2014-06-17 23:41:18.0 Devices: Mobility and Manipulation Devices Treatment/Intervention Data

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C58479 Orthosis laterality type OrthosisLateralityTyp Laterality type of orthoses used by participant/subject Laterality type of orthoses used by participant/subject If yes, Unilateral;Bilateral Unilateral;Bilateral Alphanumeric No references available Adult NeuroRehab Supplemental-Highly Recommended 1.00 2018-04-12 17:17:20.0 Devices: Mobility and Manipulation Devices Treatment/Intervention Data

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C18176 Therapy rehabilitation indicator TherapyRehabInd Indicator for whether the participant/subject uses other therapy or rehabilitation procedures besides the use of mobility devices, orthoses, and positioning devices Indicator for whether the participant/subject uses other therapy or rehabilitation procedures besides the use of mobility devices, orthoses, and positioning devices Besides use of mobility devices, orthoses, and positioning devices, does the participant/ subject utilize other therapies? Yes;No;Unknown Yes;No;Unknown Alphanumeric No references available Adult NeuroRehab Supplemental-Highly Recommended 3.00 2013-07-21 12:11:21.037 Devices: Mobility and Manipulation Devices Treatment/Intervention Data

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C58630 Crutch use laterality type CrutchUseLateralTyp Laterality type with which the participant/subject uses their crutches Laterality type with which the participant/subject uses their crutche Laterality of type of crutches used. Unilateral;Bilateral Unilateral;Bilateral Alphanumeric

Select laterality for type of crutches used.

No references available Adult NeuroRehab Supplemental-Highly Recommended 1.00 2018-04-12 14:27:43.0 Devices: Mobility and Manipulation Devices Treatment/Intervention Data

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C21655 Back brace frequency type BackBraceFreqTyp Describes how long the participant/subject wears the body jacket/back brace/TSLO Describes how long the participant/subject wears the body jacket/back brace/TSLO If yes, All the time;Day only;Night only All the time;Day only;Night only Alphanumeric No references available Adult NeuroRehab Supplemental-Highly Recommended 3.00 2013-07-21 12:11:21.037 Devices: Mobility and Manipulation Devices Treatment/Intervention Data

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C10706 Walking difficulty age support first needed value WlkDffcltyAgeNdIntrmitSuprtVal Age of participant/subject when intermittent support first needed for walking Value of participant/subject's age at which she or he first needed intermittent support for walking If participant/subject needs intermittent support for walking, indicate age of participant when support first needed. Numeric Values

Answer should be recorded in years.

No references available Adult NeuroRehab Supplemental-Highly Recommended 3.00 2013-07-11 15:03:49.2 Devices: Mobility and Manipulation Devices Treatment/Intervention Data

Free-Form Entry

C58490 Position device type other text PositionDeviceTypOthrTxt Text describing the presence of any other positioning device used Text describing the presence of any other positioning device use Other, specify Alphanumeric

Specify whether positioning devices other than Seated or Lying Position Device, Stander and Truncal Support Devices are used.

No references available Adult NeuroRehab Supplemental-Highly Recommended 1.00 2018-04-16 14:04:03.0 Devices: Mobility and Manipulation Devices Treatment/Intervention Data 255

Free-Form Entry

C58501 Transportation device type TransportDeviceTyp Type for all transportation devices currently used by the participant/subject Type for all transportation devices currently used by the participant/subject If yes, Adaptive car seat/Booster seat;Other, specify;Seating restraints (e.g., Manual, Electronic, Torso, Wheel Wells);Vehicle Lifts (e.g., Platform/Rotary);Vehicle with driver modifications Adaptive car seat/Booster seat;Other, specify;Seating restraints (e.g., Manual, Electronic, Torso, Wheel Wells);Vehicle Lifts (e.g., Platform/Rotary);Vehicle with driver modifications Alphanumeric

Only answer if transportation devices is answered Yes.

No references available Adult NeuroRehab Supplemental-Highly Recommended 1.00 2018-04-16 16:05:13.0 Devices: Mobility and Manipulation Devices Treatment/Intervention Data

Multiple Pre-Defined Values Selected

C18200 Therapeutic stretching type TherapuStretchTyp Type of stretching therapy Type of stretching therapy Stretching Active;Passive Active;Passive Alphanumeric

Choose all that apply.

No references available Adult NeuroRehab Supplemental-Highly Recommended 3.00 2013-07-21 12:11:21.037 Devices: Mobility and Manipulation Devices Treatment/Intervention Data

Multiple Pre-Defined Values Selected

C56952 Crutch use type CrutchUseTyp Type of crutches which the participant/subject uses, if applicable Type of crutches which the participant/subject uses, if applicable Type of crutches Lofstrand or Forearm Crutches;Underarm;Other, specify Lofstrand or Forearm Crutches;Underarm;Other, specify Alphanumeric

If the participant/subject uses crutches, then record the type used. Choose one option.

No references available Adult NeuroRehab Supplemental-Highly Recommended 1.00 2017-08-07 11:44:13.0 Devices: Mobility and Manipulation Devices Treatment/Intervention Data

Multiple Pre-Defined Values Selected

C10719 Wheelchair use age started value WheelchairUseStrtAgeVal Age of the participant/subject when he/she began using a wheelchair Value of the participant/subject's age at which he/she began using a wheelchair If yes to wheelchair, indicate age participant/subject began using wheelchair. Numeric Values

Answer should be recorded in years.

No references available Adult NeuroRehab Supplemental-Highly Recommended 4.00 2013-07-11 15:03:49.0 Devices: Mobility and Manipulation Devices Treatment/Intervention Data

Free-Form Entry

C12688 Orthosis knee ankle foot orthosis ischial weight bearing indicator OrthsisKnAnkFoOIschlWgtBrngInd Indicator whether any knee-ankle-foot orthosis (KAFO) currently used by the participant/subject is ischial weight bearing Indicator whether any knee-ankle-foot orthosis (KAFO) currently used by the participant/subject is ischial weight bearing Yes, ischial weight bearing? Yes;No;Unknown Yes;No;Unknown Alphanumeric

Only answer if Knee-ankle-foot Orthosis is answered Yes. Choose one.

No references available Adult NeuroRehab Supplemental-Highly Recommended 3.00 2013-07-24 11:38:01.2 Devices: Mobility and Manipulation Devices Treatment/Intervention Data

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C58578 Eat drink assistive device type other text EatDrinkAssistDeviceTypOthrTxt Text describing the presence of any other eating / drinking device used Text describing the presence of any other eating / drinking device use Other, specify Alphanumeric No references available Adult NeuroRehab Supplemental-Highly Recommended 1.00 2018-06-29 13:52:08.0 Devices: Mobility and Manipulation Devices Treatment/Intervention Data 255

Free-Form Entry

C21639 Fall details assistive device type FallDetAssistDevTyp Type of assistive device(s) the participant/subject was using when the fall recorded in the Falls Diary occurred Type of assistive device(s) the participant/subject was using when the fall recorded in the Falls Diary occurre If you fell while walking, were you using an assistive device Cane;One crutch;Other, please specify;Two crutches;Walker Cane;One crutch;Other, please specify;Two crutches;Walker Alphanumeric

Choose all that apply.

No references available Adult NeuroRehab Supplemental-Highly Recommended 3.00 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 Devices: Mobility and Manipulation Devices Treatment/Intervention Data

Multiple Pre-Defined Values Selected

C58480 AFO type AFOTyp Type of ankle-foot orthosis (AFO) used by the participant/subject Type of ankle-foot orthosis (AFO) used by the participant/subject If yes, Solid;Articulating;Dynamic Ankle Foot Orthosis (DAFO);Posterior Leaf Spring (PLS);Carbon Fiber Solid;Articulating;Dynamic Ankle Foot Orthosis (DAFO);Posterior Leaf Spring (PLS);Carbon Fiber Alphanumeric

Only answer if Ankle-foot Orthosis is answered Yes. Choose all that apply.

No references available Adult NeuroRehab Supplemental-Highly Recommended 1.00 2018-04-13 09:33:55.0 Devices: Mobility and Manipulation Devices Treatment/Intervention Data

Multiple Pre-Defined Values Selected

C18181 Therapy rehabilitation session duration TherapuRehabSessDur Duration of a therapy or rehabilitation session Duration of a therapy or rehabilitation session Duration 15 minutes;30 minutes;45 minutes;60 minutes;Other, specify 15 minutes;30 minutes;45 minutes;60 minutes;Other, specify Alphanumeric No references available Adult NeuroRehab Supplemental-Highly Recommended 3.00 2013-07-21 12:11:21.037 Devices: Mobility and Manipulation Devices Treatment/Intervention Data

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C58631 Position device type use indicator PositionDeviceTypUseInd Indicator whether the participant/subject currently uses the selected types of positioning devices Indicator whether the participant/subject currently uses the selected types of positioning device Devices Used? No;Yes No;Yes Alphanumeric No references available Adult NeuroRehab Supplemental-Highly Recommended 1.00 2018-06-28 12:11:42.0 Devices: Mobility and Manipulation Devices Treatment/Intervention Data

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C21656 Orthosis other type OrthosisOtherTyp Other types of orthoses used by the participant/subject Other types of orthoses used by the participant/subject Do you use any other type of orthosis Hip;Neck;Shoulder Hip;Neck;Shoulder Alphanumeric No references available Adult NeuroRehab Supplemental-Highly Recommended 3.00 2013-07-21 12:11:21.037 Devices: Mobility and Manipulation Devices Treatment/Intervention Data

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C10707 Walking difficulty age permanent support started value WlkDffcltyAgeNeedPermSuportVal Age of participant/subject when permanent support first needed walking Value of participant/subject's age at which she or he first needed permanent support for walking If participant/subject needs permanent support for walking, indicate age of participant when support first needed. Numeric Values

Answer should be recorded in years.

No references available Adult NeuroRehab Supplemental-Highly Recommended 3.00 2013-07-11 15:03:49.2 Devices: Mobility and Manipulation Devices Treatment/Intervention Data

Free-Form Entry

C58491 Activity daily living device type ADLDeviceTyp Type for all activity of daily living devices currently used by the participant/subject Type for all activity of daily living devices currently used by the participant/subjec ADL Devices Eating / Drinking Assistive Devices;Bathing Devices;Toileting Devices Eating / Drinking Assistive Devices;Bathing Devices;Toileting Devices Alphanumeric

For each ADL device type record if it is used.

No references available Adult NeuroRehab Supplemental-Highly Recommended 1.00 2018-04-16 14:07:02.0 Devices: Mobility and Manipulation Devices Treatment/Intervention Data

Multiple Pre-Defined Values Selected

C58567 Dynamic upper extremity orthosis splint frequency use laterality type DynUEOrthoSplntUseFreqLatrlTyp Laterality type of dynamic upper extremity orthosis splints frequency used by participant/subject Laterality type of dynamic upper extremity orthosis splints frequency used by participant/subjec If yes, Left;Right Left;Right Alphanumeric

Only answer if dynamic upper extremity orthosis/splints is answered Yes.

No references available Adult NeuroRehab Supplemental-Highly Recommended 1.00 2018-06-27 11:42:16.0 Devices: Mobility and Manipulation Devices Treatment/Intervention Data

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C18870 Mobility device other text MobilityDvcOTH The free-text field related to 'Mobility device type' specifying other text. Type for all mobility devices currently used by the participant/subject The free-text field related to 'Mobility device type' specifying other text. Type for all mobility devices currently used by the participant/subject Other, specify Alphanumeric

Specify whether mobility devices other than Manual wheelchair, Power assist wheelchair, Power wheelchair, Scooter, Medical/Adaptive Stroller, Walker, Gait Trainer/Weight Supported Walkers, Crutches, Cane / Stick, Other Mobility Device are used. For each mobility device type record if it is used.

No references available Adult NeuroRehab Supplemental-Highly Recommended 3.00 2013-07-25 08:54:08.2 Devices: Mobility and Manipulation Devices Treatment/Intervention Data 4000

Free-Form Entry

C56953 Cane stick use type CaneStickUseTyp Type of cane which the participant/subject uses, if applicable Type of cane which the participant/subject uses, if applicable If yes, Quad cane;Single Point Cane Quad cane;Single Point Cane Alphanumeric

If the participant/subject uses a cane, then record the type used. Choose one option.

No references available Adult NeuroRehab Supplemental-Highly Recommended 1.00 2017-08-07 12:12:38.0 Devices: Mobility and Manipulation Devices Treatment/Intervention Data

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C10720 Walking other assistive device use indicator WalkOthrAssistiveDevUseInd Indicator whether the participant/subject uses any other assistive device for walking Indicator whether the participant/subject uses any other assistive device for walking Indicate if the participant/subject uses any other assistive device. Yes;No;Unknown Yes;No;Unknown Alphanumeric

If "No" or "Unknown" skip to "Walking primary assistive device daily use duration".

No references available Adult NeuroRehab Supplemental-Highly Recommended 3.00 2013-07-11 15:03:49.2 Devices: Mobility and Manipulation Devices Treatment/Intervention Data

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C12943 Orthosis type OrthosisTyp Type of orthosis (i.e., external orthopedic appliance that prevents or assists the movement of the spine or limbs) Type of orthosis (i.e., external orthopedic appliance that prevents or assists the movement of the spine or limbs) Orthoses Wrist splints;Wrist splints - night use;Ankle-foot orthosis (AFO);Ankle-foot orthosis (AFO) - night use;Abduction wedge;Knee immobilizer(s);Stander;Positioning/feeding chair;Compression garment;Other upper extremity device;Other lower extremity device;Other, specify;Dynamic Lower Extremity Stretching Orthosis/Splints;Dynamic Upper Extremity Orthosis/Splints;Hip-knee-ankle-foot orthosis (HKAFO);Shoe Inserts of any type;Knee-ankle-foot orthosis (KAFO);Static Lower Extremity Stretching Orthosis/Splints;Static Upper Extremity Orthosis/Splints;Supramalleolar orthotic (SMO) Wrist splints;Wrist splints - night use;Ankle-foot orthosis (AFO);Ankle-foot orthosis (AFO) - night use;Abduction wedge;Knee immobilizer(s);Stander;Positioning/feeding chair;Compression garment;Other upper extremity device;Other lower extremity device;Other, specify;Dynamic Lower Extremity Stretching Orthosis/Splints;Dynamic Upper Extremity Orthosis/Splints;Hip-knee-ankle-foot orthosis (HKAFO);Shoe Inserts of any type;Knee-ankle-foot orthosis (KAFO);Static Lower Extremity Stretching Orthosis/Splints;Static Upper Extremity Orthosis/Splints;Supramalleolar orthotic (SMO) Alphanumeric

For each orthosis type record if it is used.

No references available Adult NeuroRehab Supplemental-Highly Recommended 3.00 2013-07-25 08:54:08.2 Devices: Mobility and Manipulation Devices Treatment/Intervention Data

Multiple Pre-Defined Values Selected

C58617 Mobility device use propel type MobilityDeviceUsePropelTyp Propel type the participant/subject uses their mobility device(s), if applicable Propel type the participant/subject uses their mobility device(s), if applicable Propel Independent;Partial Independence;Dependent;Other, specify Independent;Partial Independence;Dependent;Other, specify Alphanumeric

If the participant/subject uses mobility device(s) then record the propulsion use.

No references available Adult NeuroRehab Supplemental-Highly Recommended 1.00 2018-11-02 09:29:16.0 Devices: Mobility and Manipulation Devices Treatment/Intervention Data

Multiple Pre-Defined Values Selected

C21640 Fall details assistive device specify text FallDetAssisDevSpecfyTxt The free-text field to specify the other type of assistive device used when the fall recorded in the Falls Diary occurred The free-text field to specify the other type of assistive device used when the fall recorded in the Falls Diary occurre Other, please specify Alphanumeric No references available Adult NeuroRehab Supplemental-Highly Recommended 3.00 2013-07-17 09:26:36.973 Devices: Mobility and Manipulation Devices Treatment/Intervention Data 255

Free-Form Entry

C58481 Dynamic upper extremity orthosis splint use anatomic site DynmUEOrthoSplntUseAnatSite Anatomic site of the dynamic upper extremity orthosis/splints use Anatomic site of the dynamic upper extremity orthosis/splints use Anatomic Site: Thumb;Wrist/hand;Hand/Fingers;Elbow Thumb;Wrist/hand;Hand/Fingers;Elbow Alphanumeric

Only answer if dynamic upper extremity orthosis/splints is answered Yes.

No references available Adult NeuroRehab Supplemental-Highly Recommended 1.00 2018-04-13 10:18:13.0 Devices: Mobility and Manipulation Devices Treatment/Intervention Data

Multiple Pre-Defined Values Selected

C18182 Therapy rehabilitation frequency TherapuRehabFreq Frequency the participant/subject received the therapy or rehabilitation Frequency the participant/subject received the therapy or rehabilitation Frequency 0;1;2;3;4;5;6;7 0;1;2;3;4;5;6;7 Numeric Values


CDISC SDTM Frequency Terminology ( Adult NeuroRehab Supplemental-Highly Recommended 3.00 2013-07-21 12:11:21.037 Devices: Mobility and Manipulation Devices Treatment/Intervention Data

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C58875 Therapy or rehabilitation received status other text TherRehabReceStatusOthrTxt The free-text field related to 'Therapy or rehabilitation received status' specifying other text. Status of therapy or rehabilitation services received by the participant/subject The free-text field related to 'Therapy or rehabilitation received status' specifying other text. Status of therapy or rehabilitation services received by the participant/subjec Other, specify Alphanumeric

No instructions available

No references available Adult NeuroRehab Supplemental-Highly Recommended 1.00 2020-05-18 15:29:15.0 Devices: Mobility and Manipulation Devices Treatment/Intervention Data 255

Free-Form Entry

C21667 Therapy rehabilitation ICD 10 CM code TherpyRehabICD10CMCd ICD-10-CM code that describes the therapy or rehabilitation received by the participant/subject ICD-10-CM code that describes the therapy or rehabilitation received by the participant/subject Type(s) of rehabilitation therapy/services received Alphanumeric

Code the therapy or rehabilitation service received using the ICD-10-CM codes to enable data aggregation.

International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM): Adult NeuroRehab Supplemental-Highly Recommended 1.00 2013-07-20 10:21:25.65 Devices: Mobility and Manipulation Devices Treatment/Intervention Data 255

Free-Form Entry

C10708 Wheelchair primary mobility means age value WheelchairPrimMobilMeanAgeVal Age of participant/subject when they first began to use a wheelchair as their primary means of mobility Age of participant/subject when they first began to use a wheelchair as their primary means of mobilit If participant/subject uses a wheelchair as their primary means of mobility, indicate age of participant when they first began to use a wheelchair as their primary means of mobility. Numeric Values

Answer should be recorded in years.

No references available Adult NeuroRehab Supplemental-Highly Recommended 3.10 2022-01-10 15:20:49.0 Devices: Mobility and Manipulation Devices Treatment/Intervention Data

Free-Form Entry

C58492 Bath device type BathDeviceTyp Type for all bathing devices currently used by the participant/subject Type for all bathing devices currently used by the participant/subject If yes, Bath Chair/Bench;Bathroom grab bars;Other, specify;Removable Shower Head;Roll-in Shower Bath Chair/Bench;Bathroom grab bars;Other, specify;Removable Shower Head;Roll-in Shower Alphanumeric

Only answer if bathing devices is answered Yes.

No references available Adult NeuroRehab Supplemental-Highly Recommended 1.00 2018-04-16 14:15:24.0 Devices: Mobility and Manipulation Devices Treatment/Intervention Data

Multiple Pre-Defined Values Selected

C58568 Dynamic upper extremity orthosis splint use anatomic site laterality type DynUEOrthSplnUseAnatSiteLatTyp Laterality type of dynamic upper extremity orthosis splints anatomic site used by participant/subject Laterality type of dynamic upper extremity orthosis splints anatomic site used by participant/subjec If yes, Left;Right Left;Right Alphanumeric

Only answer if dynamic upper extremity orthosis/splints is answered Yes.

No references available Adult NeuroRehab Supplemental-Highly Recommended 1.00 2018-06-27 11:49:04.0 Devices: Mobility and Manipulation Devices Treatment/Intervention Data

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C18883 Orthosis other text OrthosisOTH The free-text field related to 'Orthosis type' specifying other text. Type of orthosis (i.e., external orthopedic appliance that prevents or assists the movement of the spine or limbs) The free-text field related to 'Orthosis type' specifying other text. Type of orthosis (i.e., external orthopedic appliance that prevents or assists the movement of the spine or limbs) Other, specify Alphanumeric

Specify whether orthoses other than Wrist splints, Wrist splints - night use, Ankle-foot orthosis (AFO), Ankle-foot orthosis (AFO) - night use, Supramalleolar orthotic (SMO), Abduction wedge, Knee immobilizer(s), Knee-ankle-foot orthosis (KAFO), Stander, Positioning/feeding chair, Compression garment, Other upper extremity device, Other lower extremity device, Shoe inserts of any type, Hip-knee-ankle-foot orthosis (HKAFO), Dynamic Upper Extremity Orthosis/Splints, Static Upper Extremity Orthosis/Splints, Dynamic Lower Extremity Stretching Orthosis/Splints, or Static Lower Extremity Stretching Orthosis/Splints are used.

No references available Adult NeuroRehab Supplemental-Highly Recommended 3.00 2013-07-25 08:54:08.2 Devices: Mobility and Manipulation Devices Treatment/Intervention Data 4000

Free-Form Entry

C56954 Dynamic upper extremity orthosis splint use frequency type DynmUEOrthoSplntUseFreqTyp Frequency type with which the participant/subject uses their dynamic upper extremity orthosis/splints, if applicable Frequency type with which the participant/subject uses their dynamic upper extremity orthosis/splints, if applicable If yes, Daytime use;Full-time use;Part-time use;Night time use Daytime use;Full-time use;Part-time use;Night time use Alphanumeric

Only answer if dynamic upper extremity orthosis/splints is answered Yes.

No references available Adult NeuroRehab Supplemental-Highly Recommended 1.00 2017-08-07 12:54:36.0 Devices: Mobility and Manipulation Devices Treatment/Intervention Data

Multiple Pre-Defined Values Selected

C10721 Walking other assistive device use age started value WalkOthrAssistDevUseStrtAgeVal Age of the participant/subject when he/she began using the other assistive device for walking Value of the participant/subject's age at which he/she began using the other assistive device for walking If yes to other assistive device, indicate age participant/subject began using other assistive device. Numeric Values

Answer should be recorded in years.

No references available Adult NeuroRehab Supplemental-Highly Recommended 3.00 2013-07-11 15:03:49.2 Devices: Mobility and Manipulation Devices Treatment/Intervention Data

Free-Form Entry