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Short Description of Instrument
The Belastungsfragebogen Parkinson-kurzversion (BELA-P-k) measures psychological and psychosocial problems in Parkinson's Disease and the need for help; subscales studied are: achievement capability/physical symptoms; fear/emotional symptoms; social functioning; partner bonding/family.
The BELA-P-k uses a 5-point Likert scale to score a) how much the patient is bothered by the psychosocial problem (0= not at all to 4= a great deal) and b) need for help (treatment) (0= not important to 4= very important). For each subscale there are two scores for "Bothered by" (Bb) and "Need for Help" (NfH).
The subscale scores range from 0 to 16 for fear/emotional symptoms and from 0 to 20 for the other three subscales. Summing up the four subscale scores results in a total Bb and a total NfH score. A higher score indicates the patient is more bothered by, respectively has a greater need for help with, the specific psychosocial problem.
Spliethoff-Kamminga NG, Zwinderman AH, Springer MP, Roos RA. Psychosocial problems in Parkinson's disease: evaluation of a disease-specific questionnaire. Mov Disord. 2003; 18: 503-509.
Spliethoff-Kamminga NGA, Zwinderman AH, Springer MP, Roos RAC. Difference in quality of life and psychosocial well-being between Parkinson disease patient members and non-members of the Dutch Parkinson Disease Association.
In: Spliethoff-Kamminga NGA, Psychosocial Problems in Parkinson's Disease. Doctoral Thesis, Leiden University (The Netherlands), 2004.
Document last updated August 2022