CDE Detailed Report
Subdomain Name: Therapies
CRF: Respiratory Interventions
Displaying 1 - 50 of 107
CDE ID | CDE Name | Variable Name | Definition | Short Description | Question Text | Permissible Values | Description | Data Type | Disease Specific Instructions | Disease Specific Reference | Population | Classification (e.g., Core) | Version Number | Version Date | CRF Name (CRF Module / Guidance) | Subdomain Name | Domain Name | Size | Input Restrictions | Min Value | Max Value | Measurement Type | External Id Loinc | External Id Snomed | External Id caDSR | External Id CDISC |
C12382 | Respiratory tracheostomy tube brand style name | RespTrachTubeBrandStyleName | Name of the brand/style of the invasive tracheostomy device used by the participant/subject | Name of the brand/style of the invasive tracheostomy device used by the participant/subject | Brand/Style | Alphanumeric |
Respiratory Support/Assisted Ventilation Devices |
No references available | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 3.00 | 2013-07-24 11:38:01.2 | Respiratory Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data | 255 |
Free-Form Entry |
C18841 | Respiratory high frequency chest wall oscillation system vest other text | RespHiFreqCheWalOsSysVestOTH | The free-text field related to 'Respiratory high frequency chest wall oscillation system vest type' specifying other text. Type of vest used | The free-text field related to 'Respiratory high frequency chest wall oscillation system vest type' specifying other text. Type of vest used | Other, specify | Alphanumeric | No references available | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 3.00 | 2013-07-24 11:38:01.2 | Respiratory Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data | 4000 |
Free-Form Entry |
C12348 | Respiratory high frequency chest wall oscillation system vest type | RespHiFreqCheWalOsSysVestTyp | Type of vest used | Type of vest used | Type of Vest Used | Full upper body;Anterior wrap-type;Other, specify | Full upper body;Anterior wrap-type;Other, specify | Alphanumeric | No references available | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 3.00 | 2013-07-24 11:38:01.2 | Respiratory Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C12359 | Respiratory other airway clearance method name | RespOtherAirwayMethdName | Name of airway clearance method used by the participant/subject other than mechanical in-exsufflator, manual cough assist, manual percussion, postural drainage, lung volume recruitment, and intrapulmonary percussive ventilation | Name of airway clearance method used by the participant/subject other than mechanical in-exsufflator, manual cough assist, manual percussion, postural drainage, lung volume recruitment, and intrapulmonary percussive ventilation | Other Airway Clearance Method, specify | Alphanumeric | No references available | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 3.00 | 2013-07-24 11:38:01.2 | Respiratory Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data | 255 |
Free-Form Entry |
C12393 | Respiratory positive end-expiratory pressure expiratory positive airway pressure value | RespVentMeasrPEEPEPAPVal | Value of the positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP)/expiratory positive airway pressure (EPAP) | Value of the positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP)/expiratory positive airway pressure (EPAP) | PEEP/EPAP | Numeric Values |
Respiratory Support/Assisted Ventilation Devices |
No references available | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 3.00 | 2013-07-24 11:38:01.2 | Respiratory Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data |
Free-Form Entry |
centimeter H2O | |||||||||
C12327 | Respiratory mechanical in-exsufflator session cycle set count | RespMechInexsuffSessCycSetCt | Count of the number of cycles completed per session when participant/subject used the mechanical in-exsufflator | Count of the number of cycles completed per session when participant/subject used the mechanical in-exsufflator | Sets of | Numeric Values | No references available | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 3.00 | 2013-07-24 11:38:01.2 | Respiratory Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data |
Free-Form Entry |
C18852 | Respiratory oxygen administration method other text | RespO2AdminMethdOTH | The free-text field related to 'Respiratory oxygen administration method name' specifying other text. Name of method of administration of supplemental oxygen used | The free-text field related to 'Respiratory oxygen administration method name' specifying other text. Name of method of administration of supplemental oxygen used | Other, specify | Alphanumeric |
Respiratory Support/Assisted Ventilation Devices |
No references available | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 3.00 | 2013-07-24 11:38:01.2 | Respiratory Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data | 4000 |
Free-Form Entry |
C12370 | Respiratory support device type | RespSuprtDevTyp | Type of respiratory support or assisted ventilation device used | Type of respiratory support or assisted ventilation device used | Device model, specify | Non-invasive, positive pressure;Non-invasive, negative pressure;Invasive with tracheostomy tube;Other, specify | Non-invasive, positive pressure (check all that apply);Non-invasive, negative pressure (specify below);Invasive with tracheostomy tube;Other, specify | Alphanumeric |
Respiratory Support/Assisted Ventilation Devices |
No references available | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 3.00 | 2013-07-24 11:38:01.2 | Respiratory Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data |
Multiple Pre-Defined Values Selected |
C12404 | Respiratory oxygen use schedule daily hours value | RespO2UseSchedlDlyHrsVal | Value of the number of hours of supplemental oxygen use per day | Value of the number of hours of supplemental oxygen use per day | Hours per day | Numeric Values |
Respiratory Support/Assisted Ventilation Devices – Oxygen |
No references available | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 3.00 | 2013-07-24 11:38:01.2 | Respiratory Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data |
Free-Form Entry |
hour per day | |||||||||
C12338 | Respiratory lung volume recruitment method type | RespLngVolRecrtMethdTyp | Type of lung volume recruitment method used | Type of lung volume recruitment method used | Method | Ambu bag;IPPB;Inflation by cough assist | Ambu bag;IPPB;Inflation by cough assist | Alphanumeric | No references available | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 3.00 | 2013-07-24 11:38:01.2 | Respiratory Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C12383 | Respiratory tracheostomy tube size measurement | RespTrachTubeSizeMeasr | Measurement of the size of the tracheostomy tube | Measurement of the size of the tracheostomy tube | Size mm ID | Numeric Values |
Respiratory Support/Assisted Ventilation Devices |
No references available | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 3.00 | 2013-07-24 11:38:01.2 | Respiratory Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data |
Free-Form Entry |
millimeter | |||||||||
C18842 | Respiratory high frequency chest wall oscillation system use other text | RespHiFreqCheWalOsSysUseOTH | The free-text field related to 'Respiratory high frequency chest wall oscillation system use frequency' specifying other text. Frequency of use of the high frequency chest wall oscillation system | The free-text field related to 'Respiratory high frequency chest wall oscillation system use frequency' specifying other text. Frequency of use of the high frequency chest wall oscillation system | Other, specify | Alphanumeric | No references available | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 3.00 | 2013-07-24 11:38:01.2 | Respiratory Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data | 4000 |
Free-Form Entry |
C12349 | Respiratory high frequency chest wall oscillation system use frequency | RespHiFreqCheWalOsSysUseFreq | Frequency of use of the high frequency chest wall oscillation system | Frequency of use of the high frequency chest wall oscillation system | Frequency of Use | Daily;Weekly;As needed;Other, specify | Daily;Weekly;As needed;Other, specify | Alphanumeric | No references available | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 3.00 | 2013-07-24 11:38:01.2 | Respiratory Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C12360 | Respiratory other airway clearance method use frequency | RespOthAirwClrncMethUseFreq | Frequency of use of other airway clearance methods | Frequency of use of other airway clearance methods | Frequency of Use | Daily;Weekly;As needed;Other, specify | Daily;Weekly;As needed;Other, specify | Alphanumeric | No references available | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 3.00 | 2013-07-24 11:38:01.2 | Respiratory Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C12394 | Respiratory tidal volume measurement | RespTidalVolMeasr | Measurement of the tidal volume of the support ventilation device | Measurement of the tidal volume of the support ventilation device | Tidal Volume | Numeric Values |
Respiratory Support/Assisted Ventilation Devices |
No references available | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 3.00 | 2013-07-24 11:38:01.2 | Respiratory Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data |
Free-Form Entry |
milliliter | |||||||||
C12328 | Respiratory mechanical in-exsufflator session cycle breath count | RespMechInexsufSessCycBrthCt | Count of the breaths per cycle completed per session when the participant/subject used the mechanical in-exsufflator | Count of the breaths per cycle completed per session when th participant/subject used the mechanical in-exsufflator | Breaths | Numeric Values | No references available | Adult | Supplemental | 3.00 | 2013-07-24 11:38:01.2 | Respiratory Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data |
Free-Form Entry |
C19736 | Respiration intervention invasive tracheostomy tube indicator | RespIntrvntnInvsvTrachTubeInd | Indicator of invasive respiratory support including a tracheostomy tube | Indicator of invasive respiratory support including a tracheostomy tube | Invasive with Tracheostomy tube | Yes | Yes | Alphanumeric | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 1.00 | 2015-02-06 15:46:31.0 | Respiratory Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C12371 | Respiratory Intervention-support device brand name | RISuprtDevBrndName | The brand name of the respiratory support or assisted ventilation device used by the participant/subject, as part of the Respiratory Interventions form | The brand name of the respiratory support or assisted ventilation device used by the participant/subject, as part of the Respiratory Interventions form | Device brand, specify | Alphanumeric |
Respiratory Support/Assisted Ventilation Devices |
No references available | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 3.00 | 2013-07-24 11:38:01.2 | Respiratory Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data | 255 |
Free-Form Entry |
C12405 | Respiratory other therapies description text | RespOtherTherapDescrptnTxt | Text describing other relevant therapies for the participant's/subject's respiration system | Text describing other relevant therapies for the participant's/subject's respiration system | Other relevant therapies for respiratory system (e.g. physical therapy related to respiration, aquatic therapy) | Alphanumeric |
Respiratory Support/Assisted Ventilation Devices - Oxygen |
No references available | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 3.00 | 2013-07-24 11:38:01.2 | Respiratory Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data | 255 |
Free-Form Entry |
C12339 | Respiratory lung volume recruitment use frequency | RespLngVolRecrtmntUseFreq | Frequency of lung volume recruitment use | Frequency of lung volume recruitment use | Frequency of Use | Daily;Weekly;As needed;Other, specify | Daily;Weekly;As needed;Other, specify | Alphanumeric | No references available | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 3.00 | 2013-07-24 11:38:01.2 | Respiratory Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C12384 | Respiratory tracheostomy tube length measurement | RespTrachTubeLengthMeasr | Measurement of the length of the tracheostomy tube | Measurement of the length of the tracheostomy tube | Length | Numeric Values |
Respiratory Support/Assisted Ventilation Devices |
No references available | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 3.00 | 2013-07-24 11:38:01.2 | Respiratory Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data |
Free-Form Entry |
millimeter | |||||||||
C01535 | Respiratory rate | RespRate | Rate of the participant's breathing (inhalation and exhalation) | Rate of the participant's breathing (inhalation and exhalation) | Respiratory Rate | Numeric Values |
Respiratory Support/Assisted Ventilation Devices |
No references available | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 3.10 | 2024-03-11 10:50:02.0 | Respiratory Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data |
Free-Form Entry |
0 | 120 | breaths per minute | 2644399 | ||||||
C18843 | Respiratory intrapulmonary percussive ventilation or MetaNeb other text | RespIntrapulPerVentMetaUseOTH | The free-text field related to 'Respiratory intrapulmonary percussive ventilation or MetaNeb frequency' specifying other text. Frequency of intrapulmonary percussive ventilation or MetaNeb use | The free-text field related to 'Respiratory intrapulmonary percussive ventilation or MetaNeb frequency' specifying other text. Frequency of intrapulmonary percussive ventilation or MetaNeb use | Other, specify | Alphanumeric | No references available | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 3.00 | 2013-07-24 11:38:01.2 | Respiratory Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data | 4000 |
Free-Form Entry |
C12350 | Respiratory high frequency chest wall oscillation system use daily frequency | RespHiFreqChWalOsSysUseDaFreq | Frequency with which the participant/subject uses the high frequency chest wall oscillation system device on a daily basis | Frequency with which the participant/subject uses the high frequency chest wall oscillation system device on a daily basis | If Daily, times per day (on average) | <1 time/day;1-2 times/day;3 or more times/day | less then once per day;one or two times per day;three or more times per day | Alphanumeric | No references available | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 3.00 | 2013-07-24 11:38:01.2 | Respiratory Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C12361 | Respiratory other airway clearance method use daily freq | RespOthAirwClrncMethDaDtlTyp | Frequency of use of other airway clearance method on a daily basis | Frequency of use of other airway clearance method on a daily basis | If Daily, times per day (on average) | <1 time/day;1-2 times/day;3 or more times/day | less then once per day;one or two times per day;three or more times per day | Alphanumeric | No references available | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 3.00 | 2013-07-24 11:38:01.2 | Respiratory Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C12395 | Respiratory pressure support value | RespPressrSupportVal | Value of the pressure support | Value of the pressure support | Pressure Support (change above PEEP) | Numeric Values |
Respiratory Support/Assisted Ventilation Devices |
No references available | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 3.00 | 2013-07-24 11:38:01.2 | Respiratory Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data |
Free-Form Entry |
centimeter H2O | |||||||||
C12329 | Respiratory manual cough assist use frequency | RespManualCoughAssistUseFreq | Frequency of use of the manual cough assist method (e.g. Heimlich style maneuver) | Frequency of use of the manual cough assist method (e.g. Heimlich style maneuver) | Frequency of Use | Daily;Weekly;As needed;Other, specify | Daily;Weekly;As needed;Other, specify | Alphanumeric | No references available | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 3.00 | 2013-07-24 11:38:01.2 | Respiratory Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C12372 | Respiratory support device model name | RespSuprtDevMdlName | Name of the model of the respiratory support or assisted ventilation device | Name of the model of the respiratory support or assisted ventilation device | Device model, specify | Alphanumeric |
Respiratory Support/Assisted Ventilation Devices |
No references available | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 3.00 | 2013-07-24 11:38:01.2 | Respiratory Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data | 255 |
Free-Form Entry |
C17880 | Respiratory support ventilation device other model name | RespSupVentDevOtherModelName | Name of other support ventilation device used by the participant/subject | Name of other support ventilation device used by the participant/subject | Alphanumeric |
Respiratory Support/Assisted Ventilation Devices |
No references available | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 3.00 | 2013-07-24 11:38:01.2 | Respiratory Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data | 255 |
Free-Form Entry |
C12340 | Respiratory lung volume recruitment daily frequency | RespLngVolRecrtmntUseDlyFreq | Frequency of daily use of the lung volume recruitment | Frequency of daily use of the lung volume recruitment | If Daily, times per day (on average) | <1 time/day;1-2 times/day;3 or more times/day | less then once per day;one or two times per day;three or more times per day | Alphanumeric | No references available | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 3.00 | 2013-07-24 11:38:01.2 | Respiratory Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C12385 | Respiratory tracheostomy tube cuffed indicator | RespTrachTubeCuffedInd | Indicator of whether or not the tracheostomy tube that the participant/subject uses has cuffs | Indicator of whether or not the tracheostomy tube that the participant/subject uses has cuffs | Cuffed? | Yes;No | Yes;No | Alphanumeric |
Respiratory Support/Assisted Ventilation Devices |
No references available | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 3.00 | 2013-07-24 11:38:01.2 | Respiratory Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C12319 | Respiratory device type | RespDevTyp | Type of airway clearance or secretion mobilization device(s) used by the participant/subject | Type of airway clearance or secretion mobilization device(s) used by the participant/subject | Device type | Mechanical In-Exsuffulator;Manual Cough Assist ("Heimlich" style maneuver);Therapy: Manual Percussion: Palm cups, hands, electric precussor;Therapy, Postural Drainage;Lung Volume Recruitment;High Frequency Chest Wall Oscillation System (Percussion Vest);Intrapulmonary Percussive Ventilation or MetaNeb;Other, specify (device brand and model) | Mechanical In-Exsuffulator [complete section A];Manual Cough Assist ("Heimlich" style maneuver) [complete section B];Therapy: Manual Percussion: Palm cups, hands, electric precussor [complete seciont C];Therapy, Postural Drainage [complete section D];Lung Volume Recruitment [complete section E];High Frequency Chest Wall Oscillation System (Percussion Vest) [complete section F];Intrapulmonary Percussive Ventilation or MetaNeb [complete section G];Other, specify (device brand and model) [complete section H] | Alphanumeric | No references available | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 3.00 | 2013-07-24 11:38:01.2 | Respiratory Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data |
Multiple Pre-Defined Values Selected |
C18844 | Respiratory medication nebulized other text | RespMednNebulizedOTH | The free-text field related to 'Respiratory medication nebulized type' specifying other text. Type of the medication(s) nebulized | The free-text field related to 'Respiratory medication nebulized type' specifying other text. Type of the medication(s) nebulized | Other, specify | Alphanumeric | No references available | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 3.00 | 2013-07-24 11:38:01.2 | Respiratory Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data | 4000 |
Free-Form Entry |
C12351 | Respiratory high frequency chest wall oscillation system session time | RespHiFreqChWalOsSysSessnTime | Time of high frequency chest wall oscillation system use per session | Time of high frequency chest wall oscillation system use per session | Time per session | Numeric Values | No references available | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 3.00 | 2013-07-24 11:38:01.2 | Respiratory Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data |
Free-Form Entry |
minute | ||||||||||
C12362 | Respiratory other airway clearance method session time | RespOthrAirClMethdSessTime | Time it takes per session for the participant/subject to use the other airway clearance method | Time it takes per session for the particpant/subject to use the other airway clearance method | Time per session | Numeric Values | No references available | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 3.00 | 2013-07-24 11:38:01.2 | Respiratory Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data |
Free-Form Entry |
minute | ||||||||||
C12396 | Respiratory supplemental oxygen value | RespSupplmntlO2Val | Value of the flow rate of supplemental oxygen | Value of the flow rate of supplemental oxygen | Supplemental Oxygen | Numeric Values |
Respiratory Support/Assisted Ventilation Devices |
No references available | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 3.00 | 2013-07-24 11:38:01.2 | Respiratory Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data |
Free-Form Entry |
liter per minute | |||||||||
C12330 | Respiratory manual cough assist use daily frequency | RespManCghAssistUseDailyFreq | Frequency of daily use of the manual cough assist method (e.g. Heimlich style maneuver) | Frequency of daily use of the manual cough assist method (e.g. Heimlich style maneuver) | If Daily, times per day (on average) | <1 time/day;1-2 times/day;3 or more times/day | less then once per day;one or two times per day;three or more times per day | Alphanumeric | No references available | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 3.00 | 2013-07-24 11:38:01.2 | Respiratory Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C12374 | Respiratory support positive pressure device delivery method type | RespSuptPosPressrDevDelMetTyp | Type of non-invasive, positive pressure delivery method supported by the device | Type of non-invasive, positive pressure delivery method supported by the devic | Non-invasive, positive pressure (check all that apply) | Nasal mask;Nasal cannula/pillows;Oral interface;Oronasal interface;Other, specify | Nasal mask;Nasal cannula/pillows;Oral interface;Oronasal interface;Other, specify | Alphanumeric |
Respiratory Support/Assisted Ventilation Devices - Check all that apply. |
No references available | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 3.00 | 2013-07-24 11:38:01.2 | Respiratory Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data |
Multiple Pre-Defined Values Selected |
C17881 | Respiratory support ventilation mode negative pressure text | RespSuprtVentModeNegPressrTxt | Text specifying the negative pressure support ventilation used by the support ventilation device | Text specifying the negative pressure support ventilation used by the support ventilation device | Negative Pressure | Alphanumeric |
Respiratory Support/Assisted Ventilation Devices |
No references available | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 3.00 | 2013-07-24 11:38:01.2 | Respiratory Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data | 255 |
Free-Form Entry |
C12341 | Respiratory lung volume recruitment session time | RespLngVolRecrSessTime | Time of lung volume recruitment use per session | Time of lung volume recruitment use per session | Time per session | Numeric Values | No references available | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 3.00 | 2013-07-24 11:38:01.2 | Respiratory Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data |
Free-Form Entry |
minute | ||||||||||
C12352 | Respiratory high frequency chest wall oscillation system frequency value | RespHiFreqCheWalOsSysFreqVal | Value of the frequency setting for the high frequency chest wall oscillation system device | Value of the frequency setting for the high frequency chest wall oscillation system device | Frequency (this may be a range) | Numeric Values | No references available | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 3.00 | 2013-07-24 11:38:01.2 | Respiratory Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data |
Free-Form Entry |
Hertz | ||||||||||
C12386 | Respiratory tracheostomy tube timing type | RespTrachTubeTimingTyp | Type of inflation/deflation timing settings for cuffed tubes | Type of inflation/deflation timing settings for cuffed tubes | If Yes, Inflation/Deflation Timing | Inflated 24 hour/day;Deflated 24 hour/day;Inflated during night, deflated during the day;Other, specify | Inflated 24 hour/day;Deflated 24 hour/day;Inflated during night, deflated during the day;Other, specify | Alphanumeric |
Respiratory Support/Assisted Ventilation Devices |
No references available | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 3.00 | 2013-07-24 11:38:01.2 | Respiratory Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C12320 | Respiratory mechanical in-exsufflator device use frequency | RespMchInexsuffDevUseFreq | Frequency of use of the mechanical in-exsufflator by the participant/subject | Frequency of use of the mechanical in-exsufflator by the participant/subjec | Frequency of Use | Daily;Weekly;As needed;Other, specify | Daily;Weekly;As needed;Other, specify | Alphanumeric | No references available | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 3.00 | 2013-07-24 11:38:01.2 | Respiratory Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C18845 | Respiratory intrapulmonary percussive ventilation cup liquid other text | RespIntrpPerVentCupLqdOTH | The free-text field related to 'Respiratory intrapulmonary percussive ventilation cup liquid type' specifying other text. Type of liquid in the intrapulmonary percussive ventilation cup | The free-text field related to 'Respiratory intrapulmonary percussive ventilation cup liquid type' specifying other text. Type of liquid in the intrapulmonary percussive ventilation cu | Other, specify | Alphanumeric | No references available | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 3.00 | 2013-07-24 11:38:01.2 | Respiratory Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data | 4000 |
Free-Form Entry |
C12363 | Respiratory airway clearance medication category | RespAirClearMedctnCat | Category or class of airway clearance medication used by the participant/subject | Category or class of airway clearance medication used by the participant/subject | Medication Class | Bronchodilator;Inhaled anti-flammatory;Other aerosols | Bronchodilator (e.g. albuterol, levoalbuterol, ipratropium);Inhaled anti-flammatory (e.g. budesonide);Other aerosols (e.g., saline, bicarbonate, dornase alpha) | Alphanumeric | No references available | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 3.00 | 2013-07-24 11:38:01.2 | Respiratory Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C12397 | Respiratory support use frequency | RespSuppUseFreq | Frequency of ventilation device use | Frequency of ventilation device use | Frequency of Use | Daily;As needed | Daily;As needed | Alphanumeric |
Respiratory Support/Assisted Ventilation Devices |
No references available | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 3.00 | 2013-07-24 11:38:01.2 | Respiratory Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data |
Single Pre-Defined Value Selected |
C12331 | Respiratory manual cough assist session time | RespManCoughAssistSessTime | The duration of manual cough assist use per session | The duration of manual cough assist use per session | Numeric Values |
Record session time in minutes (min) |
No references available | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 1.00 | 2012-09-28 00:00:00.0 | Respiratory Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data |
Free-Form Entry |
0 | 1440 | minutes | ||||||||
C12375 | Respiratory positive pressure device initiation date | RespPosPressrDevInitnDate | Date of initiation of the non-invasive, positive pressure device | Date of initiation of the non-invasive, positive pressure devic | Date of Initiation of non-invasive, positive pressure | Date or Date & Time |
Record the date/time according to the ISO 8601, the International Standard for the representation of dates and times ( The date/time should be recorded to the level of granularity known (e.g., year, year and month, complete date plus hours and minutes, etc.). |
No references available | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 3.00 | 2013-07-24 11:38:01.2 | Respiratory Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data |
Free-Form Entry |
C18835 | Respiratory device other text | RespDevOTH | The free-text field related to 'Respiratory device type' specifying other text. Type of airway clearance or secretion mobilization device(s) used by the participant/subject | The free-text field related to 'Respiratory device type' specifying other text. Type of airway clearance or secretion mobilization device(s) used by the participant/subject | Other, specify | Alphanumeric | No references available | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 3.00 | 2013-07-24 11:38:01.2 | Respiratory Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data | 4000 |
Free-Form Entry |
C12342 | Respiratory lung volume recruitment inhale pressure value | RespILngVolRecInhlPrssrVal | Value of the inhale pressure setting for the lung volume recruitment device | Value of the the inhale pressure setting for the lung volume recruitment device | Inhale Pressure | Numeric Values | No references available | Adult;Pediatric | Supplemental | 3.00 | 2013-07-24 11:38:01.2 | Respiratory Interventions | Therapies | Treatment/Intervention Data |
Free-Form Entry |
centimeter |