CDE Detailed Report

Disease: content
Subdomain Name: Dysphagia
CRF: welcome

Displaying 51 - 66 of 66
CDE ID CDE Name Variable Name Definition Short Description Question Text Permissible Values Description Data Type Disease Specific Instructions Disease Specific Reference Population Classification (e.g., Core) Version Number Version Date CRF Name (CRF Module / Guidance) Subdomain Name Domain Name Size Input Restrictions Min Value Max Value Measurement Type External Id Loinc External Id Snomed External Id caDSR External Id CDISC
C10283 Quality of Life in Swallowing Disorders (SWAL-QOL) - choking food problem indicator SWALQOLChokngFdProbInd Scale assessing how true the following statement has been for the participant during the last month: Choking when you eat food. As part of Quality of Life in Swallowing Disorders (SWAL-QOL) Indicates how often subject chokes on food when eating food, as part of the Quality of Life in Swallowing Disorders (SWAL-QOL) Choking when you eat food 1;2;3;4;5 Almost always;Often;Sometimes;Hardly ever;Never Numeric Values

Circle one number on each line

Colleen A. McHorney, PhD, US Outcomes Research, Merck & Co., Inc., 351 North Sumneytown Pike, UG2MW-05, North Wales, PA 19454 Adult NeuroRehab Supplemental-Highly Recommended 3.00 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 Quality of Life in Swallowing Disorders (SWAL-QOL) Dysphagia Outcomes and End Points

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C10315 Quality of Life in Swallowing Disorders (SWAL-QOL) - troubling falling asleep indicator SWALQOLTrblngFllngAslpInd Scale assessing how true the following statement has been for the participant during the last month: Have trouble falling asleep? As part of Quality of Life in Swallowing Disorders (SWAL-QOL) Indicates how often subject has trouble falling asleep, as part of the Quality of Life in Swallowing Disorders (SWAL-QOL) Have trouble falling asleep? 1;2;3;4;5 All of the time;Most of the time;Some of the time;A little of the time;None of the time Numeric Values

Circle one number on each line

Colleen A. McHorney, PhD, US Outcomes Research, Merck & Co., Inc., 351 North Sumneytown Pike, UG2MW-05, North Wales, PA 19454 Adult NeuroRehab Supplemental-Highly Recommended 3.00 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 Quality of Life in Swallowing Disorders (SWAL-QOL) Dysphagia Outcomes and End Points

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C17838 Quality of Life in Swallowing Disorders (SWAL-QOL) - gender type SWALQOLGenderTyp Self-reported gender of the subject/participant Self-reported gender of the subject/participa Are you 1;2 Male;Female Numeric Values

circle one

No references available Adult NeuroRehab Supplemental-Highly Recommended 3.00 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 Quality of Life in Swallowing Disorders (SWAL-QOL) Dysphagia Outcomes and End Points

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C10294 Quality of Life in Swallowing Disorders (SWAL-QOL) - food liquid fall out nose problem indicator SWALQOLFdLiqFllOtNsProbInd Scale assessing how true the following statement has been for the participant during the last month: Food or liquid coming out of your nose. As part of Quality of Life in Swallowing Disorders (SWAL-QOL) Indicates how often subject experiences food or liquid fall out of nose, as part of the Quality of Life in Swallowing Disorders (SWAL-QOL) Food or liquid coming out of your nose 1;2;3;4;5 Almost always;Often;Sometimes;Hardly ever;Never Numeric Values

Circle one number on each line

Colleen A. McHorney, PhD, US Outcomes Research, Merck & Co., Inc., 351 North Sumneytown Pike, UG2MW-05, North Wales, PA 19454 Adult NeuroRehab Supplemental-Highly Recommended 3.00 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 Quality of Life in Swallowing Disorders (SWAL-QOL) Dysphagia Outcomes and End Points

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C18105 Quality of Life in Swallowing Disorders (SWAL-QOL) - help questionnaire indicator SWALQOLHlpQuestnnrInd Indicator of whether subject received help to complete this questionnaire or not, Indicator of whether subject received help to complete this questionnaire or not, Did anybody help you complete this questionnaire? 1;2 1;2 Numeric Values No references available Adult NeuroRehab Supplemental-Highly Recommended 3.00 2013-07-18 09:11:50.26 Quality of Life in Swallowing Disorders (SWAL-QOL) Dysphagia Outcomes and End Points

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C10305 Quality of Life in Swallowing Disorders (SWAL-QOL) - careful diet annoy problem indicator SWALQOLCarflAnnyProbInd Scale assessing how true the following statement has been for the participant during the last month: Having to be so careful when I eat or drink annoys me. As part of Quality of Life in Swallowing Disorders (SWAL-QOL) Indicates how much having to be careful when eating or drinking annoys the subject, as part of the Quality of Life in Swallowing Disorders (SWAL-QOL) Having to be so careful when I eat or drink annoys me. 1;2;3;4;5 Always true;Often true;Sometimes true;Hardly ever true;Never true Numeric Values

Circle one number on each line

Colleen A. McHorney, PhD, US Outcomes Research, Merck & Co., Inc., 351 North Sumneytown Pike, UG2MW-05, North Wales, PA 19454 Adult NeuroRehab Supplemental-Highly Recommended 3.00 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 Quality of Life in Swallowing Disorders (SWAL-QOL) Dysphagia Outcomes and End Points

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C10284 Quality of Life in Swallowing Disorders (SWAL-QOL) - choking liquid problem indicator SWALQOLChockngLiqProbInd Scale assessing how true the following statement has been for the participant during the last month: Choking when you take liquids. As part of Quality of Life in Swallowing Disorders (SWAL-QOL) Indicates how often subject chokes on liquid when drinking, as part of the Quality of Life in Swallowing Disorders (SWAL-QOL) Choking when you take liquids 1;2;3;4;5 Almost always;Often;Sometimes;Hardly ever;Never Numeric Values

Circle one number on each line

Colleen A. McHorney, PhD, US Outcomes Research, Merck & Co., Inc., 351 North Sumneytown Pike, UG2MW-05, North Wales, PA 19454 Adult NeuroRehab Supplemental-Highly Recommended 3.00 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 Quality of Life in Swallowing Disorders (SWAL-QOL) Dysphagia Outcomes and End Points

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C10316 Quality of Life in Swallowing Disorders (SWAL-QOL) - feeling tired indicator SWALQOLFlngTrdInd Scale assessing how true the following statement has been for the participant during the last month: Feel tired? As part of Quality of Life in Swallowing Disorders (SWAL-QOL) Indicates how often subject feels tired, as part of the Quality of Life in Swallowing Disorders (SWAL-QOL) Feel tired? 1;2;3;4;5 All of the time;Most of the time;Some of the time;A little of the time;None of the time Numeric Values

Circle one number on each line

Colleen A. McHorney, PhD, US Outcomes Research, Merck & Co., Inc., 351 North Sumneytown Pike, UG2MW-05, North Wales, PA 19454 Adult NeuroRehab Supplemental-Highly Recommended 3.00 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 Quality of Life in Swallowing Disorders (SWAL-QOL) Dysphagia Outcomes and End Points

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C17839 Quality of Life in Swallowing Disorders (SWAL-QOL) - help method type SWALQOLHelpMethdTyp Type of help the subject/participant received filling out the questionnaire Type of help the subject/participant received filling out the questionnair If someone helped you fill out this questionnaire, how did that person help you? 1;2;3 Read you the questions and/or wrote down the answers you gave;Answered the questions for you;Helped in some other way Numeric Values

circle one

No references available Adult NeuroRehab Supplemental-Highly Recommended 3.00 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 Quality of Life in Swallowing Disorders (SWAL-QOL) Dysphagia Outcomes and End Points

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C10295 Quality of Life in Swallowing Disorders (SWAL-QOL) - coughing stuck food liquid out mouth problem indicator SWALQOLCghStkFdLiqOtMthProbInd Scale assessing how true the following statement has been for the participant during the last month: Coughing food or liquid out of your mouth when it gets stuck. As part of Quality of Life in Swallowing Disorders (SWAL-QOL) Indicates how often subject feels the need to cough food or liquid out of mouth when it's stuck, as part of the Quality of Life in Swallowing Disorders (SWAL-QOL) Coughing food or liquid out of your mouth when it gets stuck 1;2;3;4;5 Almost always;Often;Sometimes;Hardly ever;Never Numeric Values

Circle one number on each line

Colleen A. McHorney, PhD, US Outcomes Research, Merck & Co., Inc., 351 North Sumneytown Pike, UG2MW-05, North Wales, PA 19454 Adult NeuroRehab Supplemental-Highly Recommended 3.00 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 Quality of Life in Swallowing Disorders (SWAL-QOL) Dysphagia Outcomes and End Points

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C18106 Quality of Life in Swallowing Disorders (SWAL-QOL) - help method indicator SWALQOLHlpMethdInd If received help, what type of help did the subject receive, as part of the Quality of Life in Swallowing Disorders (SWAL-QOL) If received help, what type of help did the subject receive, as part of the Quality of Life in Swallowing Disorders (SWAL-QOL) If someone helped you fill out this questionnaire, how did that person help you? 1;2;3 1;2;3 Numeric Values No references available Adult NeuroRehab Supplemental-Highly Recommended 3.00 2013-07-18 09:11:50.26 Quality of Life in Swallowing Disorders (SWAL-QOL) Dysphagia Outcomes and End Points

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C10306 Quality of Life in Swallowing Disorders (SWAL-QOL) - swallowing problem discourage indicator SWALQOLSwllwngProbDiscrgInd Scale assessing how true the following statement has been for the participant during the last month: I've been discouraged by my swallowing problem. As part of Quality of Life in Swallowing Disorders (SWAL-QOL) Indicates how much subject gets discouraged with swallowing problem, as part of the Quality of Life in Swallowing Disorders (SWAL-QOL) I've been discouraged by my swallowing problem. 1;2;3;4;5 Always true;Often true;Sometimes true;Hardly ever true;Never true Numeric Values

Circle one number on each line

Colleen A. McHorney, PhD, US Outcomes Research, Merck & Co., Inc., 351 North Sumneytown Pike, UG2MW-05, North Wales, PA 19454 Adult NeuroRehab Supplemental-Highly Recommended 3.00 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 Quality of Life in Swallowing Disorders (SWAL-QOL) Dysphagia Outcomes and End Points

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C10285 Quality of Life in Swallowing Disorders (SWAL-QOL) - thick saliva phlegm problem indicator SWALQOLThicSalvPhlgmProbInd Scale assessing how true the following statement has been for the participant during the last month: Having thick saliva or phlegm. As part of Quality of Life in Swallowing Disorders (SWAL-QOL) Indicates how often subject experiences having thick saliva or phlegm, as part of the Quality of Life in Swallowing Disorders (SWAL-QOL) Having thick saliva or phlegm 1;2;3;4;5 Almost always;Often;Sometimes;Hardly ever;Never Numeric Values

Circle one number on each line

Colleen A. McHorney, PhD, US Outcomes Research, Merck & Co., Inc., 351 North Sumneytown Pike, UG2MW-05, North Wales, PA 19454 Adult NeuroRehab Supplemental-Highly Recommended 3.00 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 Quality of Life in Swallowing Disorders (SWAL-QOL) Dysphagia Outcomes and End Points

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C10317 Quality of Life in Swallowing Disorders (SWAL-QOL) - trouble staying asleep indicator SWALQOLTrblStyngAslpInd Scale assessing how true the following statement has been for the participant during the last month: Having trouble staying asleep? As part of Quality of Life in Swallowing Disorders (SWAL-QOL) Indicates how often subject has trouble staying asleep, as part of the Quality of Life in Swallowing Disorders (SWAL-QOL) Having trouble staying asleep? 1;2;3;4;5 All of the time;Most of the time;Some of the time;A little of the time;None of the time Numeric Values

Circle one number on each line

Colleen A. McHorney, PhD, US Outcomes Research, Merck & Co., Inc., 351 North Sumneytown Pike, UG2MW-05, North Wales, PA 19454 Adult NeuroRehab Supplemental-Highly Recommended 3.00 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 Quality of Life in Swallowing Disorders (SWAL-QOL) Dysphagia Outcomes and End Points

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C17840 Quality of Life in Swallowing Disorders (SWAL-QOL) - marital status SWALQOLMaritalStatus Status of whether the participant is married, divorced, separated, widowed, or never married Status of whether the participant is married, divorced, separated, widowed, or never marrie What is your current marital status 1;2;3;4;5 Never married;Married;Divorced;Separated;Widowed Numeric Values

circle one

No references available Adult NeuroRehab Supplemental-Highly Recommended 3.00 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 Quality of Life in Swallowing Disorders (SWAL-QOL) Dysphagia Outcomes and End Points

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected

C10296 Quality of Life in Swallowing Disorders (SWAL-QOL) - figuring out eating problem indicator SWALQOLFigrngOtEatngProbInd Scale assessing how true the following statement has been for the participant during the last month: Figuring out what I can and can't eat is a problem for me. As part of Quality of Life in Swallowing Disorders (SWAL-QOL) Indicates subject feels figuring out what to eat/not to eat, as part of the Quality of Life in Swallowing Disorders (SWAL-QOL) Figuring out what I can and can't eat is a problem for me 1;2;3;4;5 Strongly agree;Agree;Uncertain;Disagree;Strongly disagree Numeric Values

Circle one number on each line

Colleen A. McHorney, PhD, US Outcomes Research, Merck & Co., Inc., 351 North Sumneytown Pike, UG2MW-05, North Wales, PA 19454 Adult NeuroRehab Supplemental-Highly Recommended 3.00 2013-07-22 16:57:17.79 Quality of Life in Swallowing Disorders (SWAL-QOL) Dysphagia Outcomes and End Points

Single Pre-Defined Value Selected